Office 970-454-3411
Acts 17
on April 26th, 2023
Good Morning Fact Checkers!  Dig into Acts 17.Have you ever played 2 truths and a lie?  How do you determine which is the lie?  Now, stop and considered your current process for determining what’s true.  Any truth.  Is there absolute truth anymore?  The answer to that question is very simple.  What is 1+1?  Always?  We live in a world that is currently trying to say no - there is no longer absolut...  Read More
Acts 16
on April 25th, 2023
Good Morning “Worshipers in the Storm”.  Check out Acts 16 today.  I don’t know about you, but I find it easy to worship and praise God when things are going good.  My faith is tested and I really have to press in and remember His promises when they aren’t.  Even though some of our culture denies God, He’s typically the first to get cursed when things go bad.  Do we do that to?  Maybe we don’t cur...  Read More
Acts 15
on April 24th, 2023
Good Morning Gospel Beneficiaries.  Dig into Acts 15 today.  Sometimes the old ways are best.  Sometimes, depending on the purpose for the “old ways” they are not!  The Law, and Sacrificial system given to Israel (the Jewish nation) had a couple purposes.- Define sin:  These are the rules- Incite sin:  Any time we’re told not to do something, inherently we want to.  Don’t think about elephants… wh...  Read More
Acts 14
on April 23rd, 2023
Good Morning Footstep Followers.  Check out Acts 14.  Paul and Barnabas continue spreading the Truth of Jesus - urging everyone they see to repent and turn to God.  The Jews in turn continue to spread lies and turn the crowds against them.  Jews and Gentiles alike plot to harm these guys - to stone them.  Often they find out about it and head on to the next town.  This time however they didn’t.“Th...  Read More
Acts 13
on April 22nd, 2023
Good Morning Fearless, Faithful, Followers.  Dig into Acts 13 and catch their passion.  Saul who once was one of the persecutors, seemingly leading the charge, one of the most unlikely to be chosen to serve - was to be minister to the Gentiles.  Now together with Barnabas they are officially commissioned in the POWER of The Holy Spirit.  It was happening, just as God told Ananias in Acts 9:15, whe...  Read More
Acts 12
on April 21st, 2023
Good Morning Revelers In The Sovereignty of God... what does that mean?  Ha ha, God is Sovereign.  He is in control of all things.  Among everything else He's in control of - our days are numbered.  NOTHING can touch us, hold us, or take us until those days are up - only what He permits.Check out Acts 12.  Persecution of the early church continues and now King Herod is getting in on it.  “He had J...  Read More
Acts 11
on April 20th, 2023
Good Morning Cross Cultural Ministers of the Gospel.  Today we’re in Acts 11 - join us.They’re getting after it.  The Disciples continue to share the Good News of Jesus.  Those they share with are sharing, and in turn they are sharing also!  It’s multiplication.  For example say 1 shared with just 10.  Then that 10 shares with 10 each, so - 100.  That 100 goes out and shares with 10 each… so 1000....  Read More
Acts 10
on April 19th, 2023
Good Morning “No favoritism show-ers”.  Check out Acts 10Ever look at someone and think to yourself… yeah, Jesus isn’t for that guy?  This is a story of “that guy”.Cornelius has a vision.  An angel of the Lord appears.  The message he gets is simple really, God has witnessed his good works - and he is to send for Peter and bring him back.  At first glance this seems normal, but get this; Cornelius...  Read More
Acts 9
on April 18th, 2023
Good Morning “Those who now see clearly”.   Acts 9I’m not sure who or what blows me away more from chapter 9 of Acts. - Saul and his conversion- Ananias and the Faith he had to have to go minister to him - a killer!- The Disciples ultimately accepting Paul- Or… Peter and the Disciples being used by Jesus to heal and even raise people from the dead… what?  Saul was all about it.  Zealous for God.  ...  Read More
Acts 8
on April 17th, 2023
Good Morning indiscriminate sharers of Gods grace.  Have a look at Acts 8Persecution comes - at the hand of Saul even.  Would you have stayed or would you have scattered?  Either way, wherever they find themselves, the Disciples are faithfully sharing the Gospel.  They don’t care who it is.  Sorcerers, Samaritan’s, Eunuch’s… the Gospel is for everyone.  “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise...  Read More
Acts 7
on April 16th, 2023
Good Morning forgiven and redeemed.  Acts 7Stephen has been arrested for preaching the Gospel, and now he is being questioned.  “They produced false witnesses, who testified, “This fellow never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law.”‭‭Acts‬ ‭6‬:‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬In the midst of the accusations we read “All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw tha...  Read More
Acts 6
on April 15th, 2023
Good Morning Care Givers!  Today Acts 6.The Disciples were intent on making sure everyone is being taken care of… but they realized some widows were being overlooked!  So what do you do?  Appoint some men to make sure this never happens again.  Among those appointed was Stephen!  “Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people.”‭‭Acts‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬ ...  Read More