Good Morning “Thankful We Get to Worship.” Today we are in Psalm 30.
David had been through it! As a result of his sin, he’d suffered horrible loss and destruction of his household. He fled for his life.
With The Lords Temple completed he now gets relief from his trouble. He rejoices in Gods deliverance and care. He rejoices in praise! David rejoices that he “gets” to worship God.
We live in a country where we get to worship God open and freely. According to “Open Doors” 1 in 12 Christians do not. They worship God in places where they could be killed, or at least persecuted for worshiping God. They meet in small groups, in hidden places - for just a taste of worshiping together in community. These devoted Christian’s are drug out of house church’s and beaten simply for reading The Bible. Isn’t that crazy?
Do we take the First Amendment to our Constitution for granted? Do we take our buildings, open to the public, filled with fellow believers rejoicing together - for granted? There is something incredibly powerful when God moves through a part of the Body of Believers. Many truly missed that experience when we had to go online for a short time during COVID - I know I did. Watching online was an alternate, but it was not the same.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.””
Matthew 18:20 NIV
Hebrews 10:24-25 recognizes the value that comes from being together for the purpose of challenging and encouraging one another.
At the time of salvation we all receive at least one Spiritual Gift for the purpose of working together within the “Body of Believers” to accomplish Gods Work (1 Cor. 12:4-11, Romans 12:6-8, 1 Peter 4:10-11). It’s that working together according to Paul in Ephesians 4:11-16 that builds us up and makes us strong - unified.
I’ve often heard it said, you don’t have to go to church to believe and love Jesus… I guess it depends on how you define “true belief” and “true love”. True belief always results in action. If we “truly believe” and love Jesus we will obey (John 14:23). Scripture is ABUNDANTLY clear regarding meeting together.
Many around the world are literally dying to meet together while we find excuses to skip it. Ouch… that one hurts I know, but isn’t it true?
Love you all! Dig in!
David had been through it! As a result of his sin, he’d suffered horrible loss and destruction of his household. He fled for his life.
With The Lords Temple completed he now gets relief from his trouble. He rejoices in Gods deliverance and care. He rejoices in praise! David rejoices that he “gets” to worship God.
We live in a country where we get to worship God open and freely. According to “Open Doors” 1 in 12 Christians do not. They worship God in places where they could be killed, or at least persecuted for worshiping God. They meet in small groups, in hidden places - for just a taste of worshiping together in community. These devoted Christian’s are drug out of house church’s and beaten simply for reading The Bible. Isn’t that crazy?
Do we take the First Amendment to our Constitution for granted? Do we take our buildings, open to the public, filled with fellow believers rejoicing together - for granted? There is something incredibly powerful when God moves through a part of the Body of Believers. Many truly missed that experience when we had to go online for a short time during COVID - I know I did. Watching online was an alternate, but it was not the same.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.””
Matthew 18:20 NIV
Hebrews 10:24-25 recognizes the value that comes from being together for the purpose of challenging and encouraging one another.
At the time of salvation we all receive at least one Spiritual Gift for the purpose of working together within the “Body of Believers” to accomplish Gods Work (1 Cor. 12:4-11, Romans 12:6-8, 1 Peter 4:10-11). It’s that working together according to Paul in Ephesians 4:11-16 that builds us up and makes us strong - unified.
I’ve often heard it said, you don’t have to go to church to believe and love Jesus… I guess it depends on how you define “true belief” and “true love”. True belief always results in action. If we “truly believe” and love Jesus we will obey (John 14:23). Scripture is ABUNDANTLY clear regarding meeting together.
Many around the world are literally dying to meet together while we find excuses to skip it. Ouch… that one hurts I know, but isn’t it true?
Love you all! Dig in!
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