Good Morning “Discerners of The Voice of God.” Today we are in Job 26.
Job responds after Bildad’s attempt at rebuking him. First he greets him asking “How are any of your words helpful?” Then he challenges him to consider where these words are coming from.
We received that answer back in Job 4:12-19 with Jobs friend Eliphaz. It should come as no surprise to us that the evil one, Satan, who purposes to seek, kill and destroy the follower of God - is continually active to that end. He attacks through any means possible disguised as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). What does that mean? It means he comes appearing as something good. In the case of Jobs friends, Satan convinces them that its their job to help Job get back on track. Only… Job wasn’t off track, and he knows it. They’re deceived. Furthermore their knowledge of God and His Word is deficient and twisted at best.
The same danger dogs us. Even with a strong Biblical foundation and a REAL, active relationship with God through Jesus - the evil one can deceive us. Without those things, you can assume it’s already happening.
So how can we KNOW if the “leading”, the “directing”, the “voice” we are hearing is God through the Holy Spirit or… Satan disguised as an angel of light?
1. He will never contradict His Word or His character. If you believe you’re being led to do something that goes against Scripture - it isn’t God! If you believe, for instance, God is directing you to do something that would dishonor your parents you’re wrong (Exodus 20:12). Only in cases where you have to choose between honoring God and His Word or obeying them… would you ever choose against your parents.
2. If you are NOT in the Word, and your relationship with The Lord is suffering… you’re NOT in a good place to definitively KNOW God is speaking. Consider Paul on the road to Damascus - God had to blind him to get his attention (Acts 9). How can I make the assertion that if you’re not dialed with God you can’t hear Him?
Check out John 10:27. Furthermore check this out:
3. God speaks by the Holy Spirt (John 14:26, John 16:13) through:
-The Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17) God has already made the answers to our questions clear in It. If you’re not in it you won’t have those answers. How will you know if what you’re hearing is even Biblical.
- Prayer (Jeremiah 33:3) Not if we’re not praying. If you’re not praying, you’re not conversing with God… You may be having a conversation but it’s not with God.
- The Church, Fellow Believers (Acts 2:17, Proverbs 12:15) Its impossible to experience Gods leading through The Body, if you’re not part of The Body. It’s most beneficial to hang with other believers, and seek truly wise counsel. He gave us each other for a reason (Hebrews 10:24-25).
- Circumstances. This one is last because the way we interpret circumstances is most easily manipulated by the evil one and his deception. That’s why “open and closed” doors should not be the primary way of determining anything. The only “confirming circumstance” Abraham had was Gods command to GO. Where… I’ll show you. How… You’ll see. Remember God will never contradict Himself.
Even if the door is wide open, yet every wise follower of Jesus in your life is saying don’t go… guess what? The “open door” you are perceiving is NOT from God.
This is in no way an exhaustive explanation of how God speaks and leads us, but it can at least get you started.
Love you all! Dig in!
Job responds after Bildad’s attempt at rebuking him. First he greets him asking “How are any of your words helpful?” Then he challenges him to consider where these words are coming from.
We received that answer back in Job 4:12-19 with Jobs friend Eliphaz. It should come as no surprise to us that the evil one, Satan, who purposes to seek, kill and destroy the follower of God - is continually active to that end. He attacks through any means possible disguised as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). What does that mean? It means he comes appearing as something good. In the case of Jobs friends, Satan convinces them that its their job to help Job get back on track. Only… Job wasn’t off track, and he knows it. They’re deceived. Furthermore their knowledge of God and His Word is deficient and twisted at best.
The same danger dogs us. Even with a strong Biblical foundation and a REAL, active relationship with God through Jesus - the evil one can deceive us. Without those things, you can assume it’s already happening.
So how can we KNOW if the “leading”, the “directing”, the “voice” we are hearing is God through the Holy Spirit or… Satan disguised as an angel of light?
1. He will never contradict His Word or His character. If you believe you’re being led to do something that goes against Scripture - it isn’t God! If you believe, for instance, God is directing you to do something that would dishonor your parents you’re wrong (Exodus 20:12). Only in cases where you have to choose between honoring God and His Word or obeying them… would you ever choose against your parents.
2. If you are NOT in the Word, and your relationship with The Lord is suffering… you’re NOT in a good place to definitively KNOW God is speaking. Consider Paul on the road to Damascus - God had to blind him to get his attention (Acts 9). How can I make the assertion that if you’re not dialed with God you can’t hear Him?
Check out John 10:27. Furthermore check this out:
3. God speaks by the Holy Spirt (John 14:26, John 16:13) through:
-The Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17) God has already made the answers to our questions clear in It. If you’re not in it you won’t have those answers. How will you know if what you’re hearing is even Biblical.
- Prayer (Jeremiah 33:3) Not if we’re not praying. If you’re not praying, you’re not conversing with God… You may be having a conversation but it’s not with God.
- The Church, Fellow Believers (Acts 2:17, Proverbs 12:15) Its impossible to experience Gods leading through The Body, if you’re not part of The Body. It’s most beneficial to hang with other believers, and seek truly wise counsel. He gave us each other for a reason (Hebrews 10:24-25).
- Circumstances. This one is last because the way we interpret circumstances is most easily manipulated by the evil one and his deception. That’s why “open and closed” doors should not be the primary way of determining anything. The only “confirming circumstance” Abraham had was Gods command to GO. Where… I’ll show you. How… You’ll see. Remember God will never contradict Himself.
Even if the door is wide open, yet every wise follower of Jesus in your life is saying don’t go… guess what? The “open door” you are perceiving is NOT from God.
This is in no way an exhaustive explanation of how God speaks and leads us, but it can at least get you started.
Love you all! Dig in!
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