Office 970-454-3411


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Our Senior High Missions summer is based on Acts 1:8.  “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria  and the ends of the Earth.” We first offer an opportunity for students to minister in their own community (Jerusalem) by helping to host X-Stream Sports Camp the week after memorial day, right here at our church.  In addition to Sports Camp we take a Sr. High Mission trip each summer.  Most years our trips take us to a destination within the US. (our Judea)  In recent years many of those trips have been “disaster relief and rebuilding” trips.  We’ve been blessed to be able to take high school service teams into New Orleans after Katrina, New York after Sandy, and Galveston TX just to name a few.  We’ve also partnered with Union Rescue Mission to minister on Skid Row L.A. (Samaria)  Every two or three years we take a trip out of the country. (Ends of the Earth / Samaria) Mexico, Belize Central America, Port Au Prince Haiti, and Canada are all examples of out of the country destinations.  We credit much of the success of our mission trips to Sunday afternoon training.  Training typically begins the end of February for May Sports Camp and our July trip. During that time students learn how to work together in a TEAM environment while learning Sports Camp and Evangelistic material. More importantly they grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ while they grow together as a team. By the time we leave on these trips students are truly ready to be used by God.

All Sr. High Mission Students must book a “Mission Interview” with Pastor Jason.  Remember that part about knowing all your stuff?  Students will need to know the Trip Expectations, all the Sports Camp Material, The Romans Road, and be able to “Defend their Faith”.  Why do you believe in Jesus?  Click the button below to book your appointment now.


Jr. High Students are by no means left out of our Summer Mission Program.  Phase 1 of Jr. High Missions is partnering with our Sr. High to help host X-Stream Sports Camp here at the church the week after memorial day.  Students join our Sr. High and train from late February until their Mission trip in June.  During training they learn to work as a TEAM to be able to host and teach X-Stream Sports / Arts Camp.  Once Sports Camp is over they turn their attention toward their trip, typically in June.  Our Jr High trip destinations are typically within Colorado.  Our teams have hosted Sports Camps in small mountain towns where no VBS was available, on Fort Carson Army Base for the children of our Military Men and Women, and in disaster locations such as Holly, Estes Park.  Typically we host Sports Camp in the morning and work on relief projects in the afternoon.

All Jr. High Mission Students must book a “Mission Interview” with Pastor Jason.  Remember that part about knowing all your stuff?  Students will need to know the Trip Expectations, all the Sports Camp Material, The Romans Road, and be able to “Defend their Faith”.  Why do you believe in Jesus?  Click the button below to book your appointment now