If you’re interest in supporting our ministry in India, below are a few opportunities to do so. Contact Pastor Jeff or Joyce Tibbetts to learn more.
To support an orphan: $45.00/mo. or $540.00/year
To support a pastor: $50.00/mo. or $600.00/year
To support a nursing student: $65.00/mo. or $780.00/year
If you are interested in supporting an orphan or a pastor please contact Pastor Jeff.
To support an orphan: $45.00/mo. or $540.00/year
To support a pastor: $50.00/mo. or $600.00/year
To support a nursing student: $65.00/mo. or $780.00/year
If you are interested in supporting an orphan or a pastor please contact Pastor Jeff.


Our church partners with Barnabas Youth Camps in Haiti, directed by Global Outreach and run by Chris and Sheryl Brumley (Greeley Natives). This youth camp is the only one of its kind in the area, giving children a safe place to grow, learn and play. Since the earthquake of 2011, this has met a need for thousands of children. Many of these children lost homes and family and the recovery process is long and hard.
The Brumleys also run a burn clinic that is the only one of its kind for miles. They continue to have a huge impact in Port Au Prince and the surrounding areas.
The Brumleys also run a burn clinic that is the only one of its kind for miles. They continue to have a huge impact in Port Au Prince and the surrounding areas.
Every year our High School and Junior High youth teams work together to serve kids locally with a Sports and Arts Camp.
They also regularly travel to assist with disaster relief.
They also regularly travel to assist with disaster relief.

- Steve & Christine Bauer - WaterSource Ministries
- Dudley & Corina Brown – Network Beyond
- Justin & Shannon Brown –Lighthouse For Christ
- Chris & Sheryl Brumley– Global Outreach
- Joel & Renata Burnell – World Venture
- Dan & Karen Carlson – Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Jim & Kathy Carlson – EFCA Reach Global
- JD and Ashleigh DeClet - EFCA Missions
- James & Shawna Downs - Good Samaritan Shipping Ministries (GSSM)
- Rick & Connie Ediger – In Faith
- Jesse & Kelly Griffin – unfoldingWord
- Andy & Emily Moore – Coalition For Christian Outreach

In Acts 1:8, Jesus told his disciples that they would be His witnesses “In Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” For those disciples, ministry began locally and then spread out to the world.
The work of spreading the gospel and making disciples is not just something that happens “over there.”
Jesus has work for us to do in our own backyard.
In addition to the regular programs here at the EFC of Eaton, we are also involved in a number of local outreach activities. Examples would include our service at the Resource Center, and sports and arts camps for the community
The work of spreading the gospel and making disciples is not just something that happens “over there.”
Jesus has work for us to do in our own backyard.
In addition to the regular programs here at the EFC of Eaton, we are also involved in a number of local outreach activities. Examples would include our service at the Resource Center, and sports and arts camps for the community