Good Morning “Weighed By God.” Today we are in Psalm 7.
David sings to the Lord concerning the words of Cush, a Benjamite. Review: The book of Judges ends with the tribe of Benjamin’s war against the rest of the tribes of Israel. Benjamin had refused to hold rapists and murderers accountable within their tribe. While the war began in Benjamin’s favor, were it not for God’s merciful intervention, Benjamin would have been eliminated as a tribe. We know that King Saul was a Benjamite, and he was pursuing David to kill him. Saul was controlling not just the army of Benjamin but the rest of Israel’s troops as well.
We can guess what Cush was saying about David because David asks God to weigh Cush’s false accusations and judge fairly. Sounds about like Jobs friends doesn’t it.
Odds are at some point we’ll all face false accusations / slander. We may be the subject of gossip. Often these are the result of the accusers envy, jealously or conviction from God. When convicted, often the response is to attack the object, or tool God uses to convict. May we NEVER react in this way ourselves, but recognize that no matter the tool, The Holy Spirit is The One who actually convicts.
Pastors and Teachers who present Truth are often the tool The Spirit uses, but it doesn’t end there. Anyone “living out” the Truth of Gods Word is convicting to someone who’s not.
When on the receiving end of accusation, our reaction is often to jump to defend ourselves, or turn the tables and sink to their level returning accusation for accusation.
We can learn something here from David. He likely first considers the source. Cush, and the tribe of Benjamin were at place in history where it was crazy for them to be accusing any one of anything. Maybe you’ve heard the saying… people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Relax. If you’ve been living for Jesus, accusations will fall flat. Stay the course. Don’t damage your testimony for Jesus with your reaction (1 Peter 2:12-15, Philippians 2:14-15).
We live for Jesus. It’s He we seek to honor… period. David gets it. In Psalm 7:3- David makes it clear… Lord weigh me. If I’ve done what they say, judge me. If not, vindicate me.
We must stay the course, living each day for Him. May they see the way we walk, know it’s Jesus in us, and praise our Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).
Love you all! Dig in!
David sings to the Lord concerning the words of Cush, a Benjamite. Review: The book of Judges ends with the tribe of Benjamin’s war against the rest of the tribes of Israel. Benjamin had refused to hold rapists and murderers accountable within their tribe. While the war began in Benjamin’s favor, were it not for God’s merciful intervention, Benjamin would have been eliminated as a tribe. We know that King Saul was a Benjamite, and he was pursuing David to kill him. Saul was controlling not just the army of Benjamin but the rest of Israel’s troops as well.
We can guess what Cush was saying about David because David asks God to weigh Cush’s false accusations and judge fairly. Sounds about like Jobs friends doesn’t it.
Odds are at some point we’ll all face false accusations / slander. We may be the subject of gossip. Often these are the result of the accusers envy, jealously or conviction from God. When convicted, often the response is to attack the object, or tool God uses to convict. May we NEVER react in this way ourselves, but recognize that no matter the tool, The Holy Spirit is The One who actually convicts.
Pastors and Teachers who present Truth are often the tool The Spirit uses, but it doesn’t end there. Anyone “living out” the Truth of Gods Word is convicting to someone who’s not.
When on the receiving end of accusation, our reaction is often to jump to defend ourselves, or turn the tables and sink to their level returning accusation for accusation.
We can learn something here from David. He likely first considers the source. Cush, and the tribe of Benjamin were at place in history where it was crazy for them to be accusing any one of anything. Maybe you’ve heard the saying… people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Relax. If you’ve been living for Jesus, accusations will fall flat. Stay the course. Don’t damage your testimony for Jesus with your reaction (1 Peter 2:12-15, Philippians 2:14-15).
We live for Jesus. It’s He we seek to honor… period. David gets it. In Psalm 7:3- David makes it clear… Lord weigh me. If I’ve done what they say, judge me. If not, vindicate me.
We must stay the course, living each day for Him. May they see the way we walk, know it’s Jesus in us, and praise our Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).
Love you all! Dig in!
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