Good Morning “Wisdom Seekers, God Fearers.” Today we are in Job 28.
Job had a deep understanding of what was to be valued.
In Job 1:1b regarding Job we are told “…this man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.” Job 1:1 NIV
What a statement! As we get to this chapter and read Jobs words, perhaps we find the reason that Job was the way he was. He believed Gods Word - Wisdom is to be valued above all else (Proverbs 8:11)
Wisdom has been simply defined as “knowledge applied”. Knowing a lot of “stuff” about God and knowing His Word is largely useless without applying it to our lives. It’s foolish to know It and not apply It. Applying is wisdom. As we apply wisdom to our lives and the situations we find ourselves in, we’ll better understand how to respond Biblically. That’s why it’s so valuable. It instructs us as to how to live Gods BEST.
Understanding that comes from wisdom says, “Based on what I know about God, I am making these specific changes to my life.” In short: fearing the Lord and shunning evil. It begins with fearing The Lord (Proverbs 9:10) and His power to bring judgment.
Job understood THAT… speaking of God he said… “And He said to the human race, “The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.” Job 28:28 NIV
Job took Gods Word and lived it - that’s all! “he feared God and shunned evil” Job 1:1. How wise is that?
James tells us if we lack it, just ask… “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
James 1:5 NIV
It shouldn’t surprise us that The God who gave us Jesus so that we could be reconciled to Him, also wants us to be wise so that we can live well the life He has for us. Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, achieved that reputation because he asked The LORD for wisdom — rather than long life, wealth, or power over his enemies! 1 King 3:9-14
Love you all! Dig in! Desire and seek Godly wisdom.
Job had a deep understanding of what was to be valued.
In Job 1:1b regarding Job we are told “…this man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.” Job 1:1 NIV
What a statement! As we get to this chapter and read Jobs words, perhaps we find the reason that Job was the way he was. He believed Gods Word - Wisdom is to be valued above all else (Proverbs 8:11)
Wisdom has been simply defined as “knowledge applied”. Knowing a lot of “stuff” about God and knowing His Word is largely useless without applying it to our lives. It’s foolish to know It and not apply It. Applying is wisdom. As we apply wisdom to our lives and the situations we find ourselves in, we’ll better understand how to respond Biblically. That’s why it’s so valuable. It instructs us as to how to live Gods BEST.
Understanding that comes from wisdom says, “Based on what I know about God, I am making these specific changes to my life.” In short: fearing the Lord and shunning evil. It begins with fearing The Lord (Proverbs 9:10) and His power to bring judgment.
Job understood THAT… speaking of God he said… “And He said to the human race, “The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.” Job 28:28 NIV
Job took Gods Word and lived it - that’s all! “he feared God and shunned evil” Job 1:1. How wise is that?
James tells us if we lack it, just ask… “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
James 1:5 NIV
It shouldn’t surprise us that The God who gave us Jesus so that we could be reconciled to Him, also wants us to be wise so that we can live well the life He has for us. Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, achieved that reputation because he asked The LORD for wisdom — rather than long life, wealth, or power over his enemies! 1 King 3:9-14
Love you all! Dig in! Desire and seek Godly wisdom.
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