Good Morning “Real Deal’s”. Today we are in Psalm 50.
This Psalm opens with a description of God as a great and glorious judge. Hypocrisy reigned and God determined to judge it. Some were offering sacrifices to Him, but their hearts loved sin. God needs no sacrifice. He warned these men to repent or else they would face His righteous judgement.
A Gallup survey from 2023 indicates that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 67% is Christian (224 million). If 224 million Christians exist in the US why have we experienced such a decline in the morality of our society?
Maybe we are not that much different than Israel? It’s easy to sit in church, wear the T-Shirt, run a bumper sticker, or even rock that cross necklaces… but do we really look any different?
Barna research suggests that while many people identify as Christian, many of them don't embrace a biblical worldview or practice their faith consistently. Perhaps that truth reflects another familiar statistic. Only 8% of Christians actually read the Bible. How can we be transformed by It (Romans 12:2), if we don’t read it and apply it?
We are commanded to meditate on The Word of God daily (Joshua 1:8). Jesus says, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” John 24:23.
Question… if we don’t obey Jesus, should we really call ourselves by His name “Christian” (Christ follower)?
This psalm hits hard for anyone “playing” church. We might be able to fool our friends, maybe we can fool our families and other church goers… we can’t fool God (Matthew 7:21-23).
This is real stuff! Love you all! Dig in!
This Psalm opens with a description of God as a great and glorious judge. Hypocrisy reigned and God determined to judge it. Some were offering sacrifices to Him, but their hearts loved sin. God needs no sacrifice. He warned these men to repent or else they would face His righteous judgement.
A Gallup survey from 2023 indicates that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 67% is Christian (224 million). If 224 million Christians exist in the US why have we experienced such a decline in the morality of our society?
Maybe we are not that much different than Israel? It’s easy to sit in church, wear the T-Shirt, run a bumper sticker, or even rock that cross necklaces… but do we really look any different?
Barna research suggests that while many people identify as Christian, many of them don't embrace a biblical worldview or practice their faith consistently. Perhaps that truth reflects another familiar statistic. Only 8% of Christians actually read the Bible. How can we be transformed by It (Romans 12:2), if we don’t read it and apply it?
We are commanded to meditate on The Word of God daily (Joshua 1:8). Jesus says, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” John 24:23.
Question… if we don’t obey Jesus, should we really call ourselves by His name “Christian” (Christ follower)?
This psalm hits hard for anyone “playing” church. We might be able to fool our friends, maybe we can fool our families and other church goers… we can’t fool God (Matthew 7:21-23).
This is real stuff! Love you all! Dig in!
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