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Psalm 32

Good Morning “Weight Carriers”. Today we are in Psalm 32.  

I believe there is an observable truth in humanity.  The guilty are typically the most defensive and often the loudest.  When interviewing suspects it’s one of the red flags investigators look for.  We all know when someone calls us out regarding sin in our lives we get defensive.  It’s always a challenge, it’s awkward holding one of our fellow believers accountable.  Why?  There is usually rebuttal.

I believe this truth is the reason we see absolutely Godless movements surface and then gain steam in our culture.  Stick with me here….

The Truth of God, His Law / Moral Code is written on our hearts (Romans 1:18-20, 2:13-15). Believers and non - believers alike have an internal compass we can either deny or live by.  It’s what separates us from the animals and is part of being made in The Image of God (Genesis 1:27).  
When we sin, The Holy Spirit uses Gods Law and The Moral Code written on our heart to shine light on our sin.  It doesn’t feel good.  

If we argue against it loud enough, and long enough we can eventually callous over it… cover it or as Paul says in that Romans 1:18-20 passage “suppress it”.  Birds of a feather flock together.  When I feel convicted it helps if I can find other people arguing that the same thing is ok.  If enough of us believe it’s ok… it adds what we believe to be “validity”, to our Truth suppression (2 Timothy 4:3). That suppressing begins a downward spiral that eventually leads to God giving us over to our wickedness.  It’s not unlike what we’ve seen in our society.  In fact (Romans 1:20-32) seems to describe us pretty well.

David understood this concept… and gives us a much better way to handle the weight of conviction.  In Psalm 32 David meditates on the relief he felt after confessing his sins to God. Hiding them, trying to suppress his sin, only brought more weight and stress into his life. He confessed his sins, and truly repented (turned away from them) and found forgiveness, relief, joy, and peace with God. He encourages us to humble ourselves and do the same.  We have one who has taken the weight of our sin upon Himself and provided that way back for us - Jesus (Isaiah 53:5, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:24).

The Psalmist admonishes us: “Seek Him NOW,” in the opportune moment!  For, in the crisis moment, He may not be found by those who would not when they could; by those who did not when they should; and by those who have not when they finally find their need driving them TO SEEK HIM, only to find -- in that moment --  the road is closed!  Witness, Esau and the blessing of his father, Isaac! Genesis 7:30-38!  In simple terms, The Father may be merciful in your moment of crisis; but there is no promise that He WILL be there when you finally do seek Him.  Deal with Him NOW, ON YOUR TERMS; and you may discover He will deal with you THEN ON HIS TERMS . . . when you discover at last that you really do need Him!

Love you all!  Dig in!