Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

“Missions is any endeavor outside of our church to obey the Great Commission by proclaiming the gospel of Christ making disciples and gathering these into local churches. Our goal and vision is to develop a philosophy that is in alignment with the vision God has given our church and that will enable us to fulfill our purpose as a Mission Board.”
- To develop our commitment to the “First Great Commandment” so that everyone we encounter will know that we seek to love God with our whole being and strive to help others to do the same.
- To develop our commitment to the “Second Great Commandment,” loving our neighbors as ourselves whether they live across the street or around the world.
- To fulfill the Great Commission of Christ.
- To share Christ’s heart for the world.
- To minister to the totality of human need.
- To save men and bring them to the knowledge of God.
- To obey Christ by confessing Him to the world.

- That each of us would pray weekly for world evangelization.
- That our family units would give financially to the Mission Fund and/or a missionary that our church supports.
- That we as individuals and a congregation would share Christ with others regularly on a monthly basis.
- That a portion of our youth and adults would be involved in a cross-cultural ministry
- That a portion of our adults would either be involved with missions as a ministry or be preparing for this vocation.
- That our congregation would understand biblically why our congregation is involved in world missions and what we are doing in global evangelization.

On May 17, 1900 our church fellowship voted to support its first missionary. FO Bergstrom received pledges to go as a missionary to Japan. The first Mission Board began in January 1949.
This Board included the Pastor, Church Chairman and others elected at the annual meeting.
In 1949 Verla Peterson Whitaker was called to the mission field in Venezuela. The Sunday School voted to give her one-half of her support. (At this time the Sunday School was having a difficult time paying for operating expenses).
In order to get everyone interested and help support Verla, the Sunday School purchased a church birthday bank. Each Sunday all the classes met together for the first 15 minutes and at this time everyone that had a birthday the past week gave their age in money to the bank. This together with the Sunday School offerings made it possible to meet her monthly support. It wasn’t long before the Sunday School gave a report that Verla’s support was being met each month and the Sunday School had ample money to meet operating expenses.
Since 1900 over 75 missionaries have been supported by our Church and Sunday School.
This Board included the Pastor, Church Chairman and others elected at the annual meeting.
In 1949 Verla Peterson Whitaker was called to the mission field in Venezuela. The Sunday School voted to give her one-half of her support. (At this time the Sunday School was having a difficult time paying for operating expenses).
In order to get everyone interested and help support Verla, the Sunday School purchased a church birthday bank. Each Sunday all the classes met together for the first 15 minutes and at this time everyone that had a birthday the past week gave their age in money to the bank. This together with the Sunday School offerings made it possible to meet her monthly support. It wasn’t long before the Sunday School gave a report that Verla’s support was being met each month and the Sunday School had ample money to meet operating expenses.
Since 1900 over 75 missionaries have been supported by our Church and Sunday School.
All of the missionaries our church sends to the mission field serve in ministries known as “faith missions”. These missionaries do not automatically receive a salary but, by faith look to the Lord and His people for their financial needs. God provides for their needs through financial partners who feel led of the Lord to invest in their ministry. Each missionary must raise 100% of required support to cover anticipated costs for personal and ministry expenses according to the requirements of his/her mission.
The Eaton EFC Mission Board prepares a yearly missions budget. The only funds the Mission Board can use are those designated as “Missions” in the offering. Also during the church’s capital building campaign, 10% of the monies given will be given to the “Mission Fund”. It is with these funds that the Mission Board prayerfully evaluates each missionary and ministry, the support that is needed, and makes commitments as funds are available.
A contribution to the General Mission Fund, to an individual or a missionary family through the church is generally tax deductible.
Many in our church family also pledge further support to individual missionaries. All of these contributions are sent to the mission organization in which the missionary serves and are not a part of our church’s mission budget.
If you would like to support our Mission Fund or an individual our church supports you can contact the Mission Board.
The Eaton EFC Mission Board prepares a yearly missions budget. The only funds the Mission Board can use are those designated as “Missions” in the offering. Also during the church’s capital building campaign, 10% of the monies given will be given to the “Mission Fund”. It is with these funds that the Mission Board prayerfully evaluates each missionary and ministry, the support that is needed, and makes commitments as funds are available.
A contribution to the General Mission Fund, to an individual or a missionary family through the church is generally tax deductible.
Many in our church family also pledge further support to individual missionaries. All of these contributions are sent to the mission organization in which the missionary serves and are not a part of our church’s mission budget.
If you would like to support our Mission Fund or an individual our church supports you can contact the Mission Board.

If you would like an easy way to be able to give directly to our missionaries
download our app by clicking here. Then check out our missions tab for more information
about each missionary and how you can give to support them!
download our app by clicking here. Then check out our missions tab for more information
about each missionary and how you can give to support them!