Good Morning “Those Who Doubt Gods Ability to Work Through You.” Today we are in Exodus 4.
Moses continues with his line of questioning and God continues to answer and give Moses proofs. He even performs 3 miracles and gives Moses the ability to perform them as proof to the nation of Israel, and proof to Pharaoh. Moses continues his objections by saying he’s not a good speaker. Gods anger burns against Moses for his continued objection. Our text appears to tell us that Moses asks for God to send someone else; but the original Hebrew language used could suggest Moses was simply asking for someone to go with him. Either way, God is already answering that request as somehow Aaron, who was previously captive in Egypt, is now somehow free and already in route.
Notice however; in Gods discussion with Moses He says He will harden Pharaohs’ heart so that he will not immediately let the people go. Imagine Moses confusion. Why am I going if you’re going to harden Pharaohs’ heart so he doesn’t release them? God has a plan, and it includes making Pharaoh the object - that God might display His power. Check out Romans 9:17. In demonstration of His power God is about to bring 10 plagues on Egypt and has asked Moses to play a part. It’s not as simple as just getting His people out of Egypt. He is also about to teach them and the world a bit about who He is.
While on their way they stop to sleep for the night and we get another lesson. It appears God is about to kill Moses, but his wife circumcises their 2nd son and God relents. What do we make of this. 1st of all who was God actually going to kill? Our text says and assume Moses, but Hebrew leaves out pronouns. The orig text more literally says “The Lord encountered and sought to take life.” Translators have assumed it’s Moses. However Genesis 17:14 says, he who is not circumcised shall be “cut off”, literally killed - not the father. Either way, the lesson is clear. Moses has some disobedience that must be dealt with before being used. He must get his house in order. 1 Timothy 3:4-5
So many Truths for us to apply here…
- When God invites us to be involved in a particular area - He gives us all we need. If He calls us to it, He’ll equip us for it. He does it all - we’re just tools.
- It’s His plan, not ours! It likely won’t go the way we imagine. It’s typically bigger than our minds can grasp.
- He can reach a point where He gets angry with our objection to be used by Him. THAT’S a sobering concept.
- We must look in the mirror and get our own lives in order. Are we being disobedient in some other area? God has made His expectations clear.
You ready? Love you all! Dig in!
Moses continues with his line of questioning and God continues to answer and give Moses proofs. He even performs 3 miracles and gives Moses the ability to perform them as proof to the nation of Israel, and proof to Pharaoh. Moses continues his objections by saying he’s not a good speaker. Gods anger burns against Moses for his continued objection. Our text appears to tell us that Moses asks for God to send someone else; but the original Hebrew language used could suggest Moses was simply asking for someone to go with him. Either way, God is already answering that request as somehow Aaron, who was previously captive in Egypt, is now somehow free and already in route.
Notice however; in Gods discussion with Moses He says He will harden Pharaohs’ heart so that he will not immediately let the people go. Imagine Moses confusion. Why am I going if you’re going to harden Pharaohs’ heart so he doesn’t release them? God has a plan, and it includes making Pharaoh the object - that God might display His power. Check out Romans 9:17. In demonstration of His power God is about to bring 10 plagues on Egypt and has asked Moses to play a part. It’s not as simple as just getting His people out of Egypt. He is also about to teach them and the world a bit about who He is.
While on their way they stop to sleep for the night and we get another lesson. It appears God is about to kill Moses, but his wife circumcises their 2nd son and God relents. What do we make of this. 1st of all who was God actually going to kill? Our text says and assume Moses, but Hebrew leaves out pronouns. The orig text more literally says “The Lord encountered and sought to take life.” Translators have assumed it’s Moses. However Genesis 17:14 says, he who is not circumcised shall be “cut off”, literally killed - not the father. Either way, the lesson is clear. Moses has some disobedience that must be dealt with before being used. He must get his house in order. 1 Timothy 3:4-5
So many Truths for us to apply here…
- When God invites us to be involved in a particular area - He gives us all we need. If He calls us to it, He’ll equip us for it. He does it all - we’re just tools.
- It’s His plan, not ours! It likely won’t go the way we imagine. It’s typically bigger than our minds can grasp.
- He can reach a point where He gets angry with our objection to be used by Him. THAT’S a sobering concept.
- We must look in the mirror and get our own lives in order. Are we being disobedient in some other area? God has made His expectations clear.
You ready? Love you all! Dig in!
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