Office 970-454-3411

Psalm 41

Good Morning “Regard-er’s of the Weak, Helpless, Poor.”  Today we are in Psalm 41.

“Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble. The Lord protects and preserves them…” Psalms‬ ‭41‬:‭1‬-‭2‬

Each version of Scripture seems to use a different English word there.  The NIV uses “Weak”, the ESV “Poor”, the NASB “Helpless”… so which is it?  Yes!  The original Hebrew word is “dal”, it literally means all of those things including lowly.  

Blessed are those that care, have regard for, one could even say stand up for when they can’t stand for themselves.   The implication is that those blessings and protections are NOT afforded to those who do not have regard for the weak and helpless, the poor.  The “least of these”(Matthew 25:31-46).  

Consider also, not just the financially poor, but weakest and most defenseless in our society.  Our children - both those born and the unborn.  Consider the millions of aborted children, trafficked children, and those generally exploited or treated as fodder.  

When our society gives them little or no regard, who will?  Who will stand?  Who carries the responsibility to see wrongs made right?  Is it the government?  Sure they are indeed the administer, the agent of Gods wrath (Romans 13), but who elects those who govern, and who stands when they won’t?

Beyond that who is given the responsibility to preserve righteousness?  Who does the Holy Spirit, The Restrainer desire to work through to restrain evil?  According to Jesus it’s us (Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭13‬).

Consider Romans 1:18- .   As man (society) embraces sin, we see a 3 part progression of God giving us over to sin (Romans 1:24-28).  God ultimately gives us over to a “depraved” mind.  Google “depraved” for a definition.  With the definition from the Oxford Dictionary you will get this example:  "a depraved indifference to human life".  AI will give you this “in a sentence” example: “Someone who can kill a child like that must be totally depraved.”

Is this us?  Is this how far we’ve fallen?  What will we do?  What will you do?  (2 Chronicles 7:14) Wow this is heavy stuff!  Yes, it absolutely is!  I could water it down, but that doesn’t make it less true.

Love you all!  Dig in!