Office 970-454-3411
Mark 7
on February 14th, 2023
Good Morning Humble Christ Imitators. Matt 7.  It’s easy to get hung up on religious practices.  Because we are sinners we daily experience conviction from the Holy Spirit.  It seems we can somewhat quiet the voice of conviction by “doing” things that make us “feel” spiritual.  Things that make us “feel” obedient - make us “feel” ok, despite our unrepentant sin or hard hearts.Even things like pray...  Read More
Mark 6
on February 13th, 2023
Good Morning soft heart receivers  of the things of Jesus.   This morning we dig into Mark 6.What did those closest to Jesus, the religious leaders, and even the disciples have in common?  They just didn’t get it!  Even after watching Jesus perform many miracles, cast out demons, calm the fierce storm in Mark 3,  even feeding thousands with five loaves and 2 fish and picking up leftovers - they st...  Read More
Mark 5
on February 12th, 2023
Good Morning Demon Slayers.  Why do I say that?  Dive in to Mark 5 to see!Satan has been wreaking havoc.  But, now, Jesus is on the scene and taking over in big ways!  All of Jesus teaching and ministry served to do more than just love on and teach the Disciples and other followers.  He was putting Satan on notice.  He was making a definitive BOLD statement!  If we look back a bit to Mark 4:35, we...  Read More
Mark 4
on February 11th, 2023
Good Morning Sleeper in the Storm followers!  Let’s dig into Mark 4Have you decided which seed you are?  The Word of God is living and active!  When taught by the Spirit of God - it is the ONLY thing capable of bringing about change in your life!  It is the ONLY weapon we have against the evil one!   It is THE basis, the ONLY absolute standard of TRUTH we can turn to!  It is our ONLY instruction m...  Read More
Mark 3
on February 10th, 2023
Good Morning forgiven sinners.  Jump into Mark 3 today, and soak it up.  Is there any limit to the Mercy and Grace of our God through the blood of Jesus?  Is there any particular sin, or amount of sin that is unforgivable?  We read about one sin here in Mark.  Check it out:“Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy...  Read More
Mark 2
on February 9th, 2023
Good Morning mat lowerers.  What does that mean?  You’ll see - read on in Mark 2.Everywhere Jesus went, a mob gathered and followed.  Some, religious leaders seeking to trip Him up.  Some, seekers wondering what it was all about.  Some, straight up already convinced looking to soak up some of what Jesus was laying down and some, with Faith so strong they were looking to get healed or find healing ...  Read More
Mark 1
on February 8th, 2023
Good Morning Call Answerers.  We've finished the book of Matthew, now it's on to Mark.  You will likely notice some similarities as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John share their accounts of what they witnessed with Jesus.  Pay attention to the similarities and note the differences.  If God thought it was important enough to inspire more than once, it's probably important enough for us to be reminded.  ...  Read More
Matthew 28
on February 7th, 2023
Good Morning Nation Disciplers!  Today we wrap up Matthew with Chapter 28The real Easter story - He is Risen.  Early on the 3rd day an Angel of the Lord that looks like lightning appears and rolls back the stone!  Looks like what?  Lightening it says, with clothes as white as snow.  When Moses wanted to see God, God had to stick his head in a rock Moses could only see Him from the back side as He ...  Read More
Matthew 27
on February 6th, 2023
Good Morning Jesus “Wanters”, today we look at Matthew 27 - The greatest act of Love the world has ever known.  Jesus, going to the cross, obediently choosing it - “But for the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning it’s shame…”How much pressure are you under to go with the flow?  The anti God / non Biblical movement is real!  Never confuse the will of the majority with the will of God!...  Read More
Matthew 26
on February 5th, 2023
The plot to kill Jesus, the deal, The Passover (Last Supper) in the upper room, a little last teaching, the arrest, the beginning of trial proceedings (if you can call it that), the scattering of the disciples, and Peter’s denial.  This chapter is jam packed.It’s easy for us to point the finger at Peter, but they all scattered.  How would you react - If you had been hanging with Jesus and it was a...  Read More
Matthew 25
on February 4th, 2023
Are you ready for the return of Jesus?  Do you believe it’ll be a while yet, before His return - so you got time to get serious, lined out?  Or have you grown weary of waiting and moved on?  The expectation is be ready, be prepared.  We are an incredibly blessed people.  What have you done with the blessings and gifts He has entrusted you with?  We are only stewards - it’s all His.  He blesses us ...  Read More
Matthew 24
on February 3rd, 2023
Do you know the authentic original well enough to recognize a counterfeit?  Government agents trained to recognize counterfeit money don’t study the counterfeits - they study the original.  They know all the details and ins and outs of real money.  So much so that when they see a fake they know it’s fake immediately.  The same should be true of us in regards to Jesus and the Word of God.  It’s ess...  Read More