Good Morning “Hearers of What The Spirit Spirt Says to the church’s”. Today we are in Revelation 2.
We see the first 4 of the 7 church’s addressed in this chapter. Each church has things they are commended for. After commended by the Words of Jesus for things they are doing well He informs 3 of the church’s that He has something or something’s “against them.”
Remember these were actual church’s, but because of the number 7 we assume these 7 somehow represent the totality of all church’s. At the same time Revelation is prophecy. So many argue these church’s also represent the different stages of The Church during the church age. With all of that in mind, apply what needs applied to your life as you read. When and if the shoe fits, wear it.
I will bring out just one point because I believe it speaks directly to each of us as individuals. At some point in our lives we all waiver in our faith. We choose stuff, busyness, people, sin, over God and put Him on the back burner and in that lose our zeal - our excitement for Jesus. When we do, our example, our light, our witness to others is dulled. We easily get things out of order. Remember He is always to be first… He is our delight! He is the source of all we need and truly all we seek to fabricate with the things of the world.
The church in Ephesus was doing a lot of things well! They faithfully endured many hardships - however; check it out…
“Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.” Revelation 2:4-5 NIV
They have not completely forsaken Him as evidenced by their commendation in the first part. They have forsaken the “Love” they had first. God sees all the good we do and is glorified. However; there is expectation that we do not remain or continue in those things that cause us to stumble. He urges them to get back to business - find that zeal once again.
I hope you have a time in your life that you can recall being totally pumped up, excited, and full of zeal for Jesus. Maintain there, or repent and get back to it. Those are the times when we shine brightest! Oh that we might shine like that every day!
Love you all! Dig in! Don’t forget your “First Love.” If you have not made Him “First”, or have forgotten - come on back!
We see the first 4 of the 7 church’s addressed in this chapter. Each church has things they are commended for. After commended by the Words of Jesus for things they are doing well He informs 3 of the church’s that He has something or something’s “against them.”
Remember these were actual church’s, but because of the number 7 we assume these 7 somehow represent the totality of all church’s. At the same time Revelation is prophecy. So many argue these church’s also represent the different stages of The Church during the church age. With all of that in mind, apply what needs applied to your life as you read. When and if the shoe fits, wear it.
I will bring out just one point because I believe it speaks directly to each of us as individuals. At some point in our lives we all waiver in our faith. We choose stuff, busyness, people, sin, over God and put Him on the back burner and in that lose our zeal - our excitement for Jesus. When we do, our example, our light, our witness to others is dulled. We easily get things out of order. Remember He is always to be first… He is our delight! He is the source of all we need and truly all we seek to fabricate with the things of the world.
The church in Ephesus was doing a lot of things well! They faithfully endured many hardships - however; check it out…
“Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.” Revelation 2:4-5 NIV
They have not completely forsaken Him as evidenced by their commendation in the first part. They have forsaken the “Love” they had first. God sees all the good we do and is glorified. However; there is expectation that we do not remain or continue in those things that cause us to stumble. He urges them to get back to business - find that zeal once again.
I hope you have a time in your life that you can recall being totally pumped up, excited, and full of zeal for Jesus. Maintain there, or repent and get back to it. Those are the times when we shine brightest! Oh that we might shine like that every day!
Love you all! Dig in! Don’t forget your “First Love.” If you have not made Him “First”, or have forgotten - come on back!
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