Office 970-454-3411
Revelation 22
on September 28th, 2023
Good Morning “Water of Life - takers.”  Today we wrap up Revelation with Chapter 22.  Yesterday we saw the new Heaven, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven.No more tears, pain, suffering - no more sin, no more curse.  God will make His home with us.  The feeling and experience of Heaven will be beyond our wildest imagination.In Chapter 22 we see the River of Life, and The T...  Read More
Revelation 21
on September 27th, 2023
Good Morning “New Heaven Dwellers.”  Today we look at Revelation 21The war to end all wars is over.  We’ve received our rewards. The AntiChrist, The False Prophet, The Devil, and all the unbelievers have all been judged and are all in in the Lake of Fire.  What’s left at this point???  The good stuff!  The really good stuff!!!!“Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and th...  Read More
Revelation 20
on September 26th, 2023
Good Morning “Conquerers”.  Today we are in Chapter 20.  In 19 we saw the final stage of Armageddon.  In summary - The AntiChrist gathers the Armies of the World, and attempts to destroy Jerusalem, which at the time will contain believing Gentiles as well as Jews and unbelieving Jews, Petra where God was protecting the believing Jews, and Jesus Himself.  The unbelieving Jews, fearful of the attack...  Read More
Revelation 19
on September 25th, 2023
Good Morning “Bride of Christ.”  Today we are in Revelation 19.  With Gods wrath poured out upon the earth and complete - both spiritual and physical Babylon, the home base of the AntiChrist, - is destroyed.  “After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments. He h...  Read More
Revelation 18
on September 24th, 2023
Good Morning “Flee-ers of Immorality.”  Today we are in Chapter 18.Just a little recap… with the final “Bowl Judgment” God pours out His wrath over the whole Earth.  In chapter 17 we saw the destruction of “Spiritual Babylon” - all the worlds false religions destroyed with no one left for unbelievers to worship but Satan.In Chapter 18 we see the destruction of physical Babylon.  “After this I saw ...  Read More
Revelation 17
on September 23rd, 2023
Good Morning “Benefactors of Jesus Payment.”  Today we are in Chapter 17.Yesterday we saw - The final bowl judgment will be poured out into the air.  The wrath of God will cover the entire planet like a blanket.A voice from Heaven cries out “It is done.”  Meaning it is complete, finished, accomplished - then the earth experiences destruction like never before.  Gods wrath required because of sin h...  Read More
Revelation 16
on September 22nd, 2023
Good Morning “Students of End Times.”  Today we are in Revelation 16.  As impossible as it seems, the  final wrath of God will bring a new level of suffering and misery to the earth.1st, all of those with the Mark of the Beast get “festering sores.”2nd, the remaining seas turn to blood -  God puts an end to all sea life.  3rd, remaining fresh water turn to blood.  Question… How long can someone su...  Read More
Revelation 15
on September 22nd, 2023
Good Morning “Escapers of Gods Wrath.”  Today we are in Revelation 15.As we get into 15 we first get a glimpse of the end.  “I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them God’s wrath is completed. And I saw what looked like a sea of glass glowing with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast...  Read More
Revelation 14
on September 20th, 2023
Good Morning “Blessed in The Lord.”  Today we are in Revelation 14.  We are nearing the end of the mid-tribulation period.  At this point the The AntiChrist has desecrated The Temple.  The False Prophet forces everyone to take “the mark of the beast”.  Everyone left in the world must make a public declaration - for or against the AntiChrist.  “Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, stand...  Read More
Revelation 13
on September 19th, 2023
Good Morning “You With Your Names in The Lambs Book of Life.”  Today we are in Revelation 13.The AntiChrist, The False Prophet and 666 - “The Mark of the Beast”.  We see it all here in chapter 13!  Let me offer some notes to hopefully help sort things out.- From chapter 12, we remember Satan will be barred access from Heaven.  This fires him up and he is more determined than ever to destroy Gods p...  Read More
Revelation 12
on September 18th, 2023
Good Morning “Soon to Be Rejoicers in Heaven.”  Today we are in Chapter 12.  In chapter 11 we moved into the mid-Tribulation period.  Chapter 12 is the next mid-tribulation chapter and with it a new piece of our puzzle for what seems to happen during the 2nd  3 1/2 year period.“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars o...  Read More
Revelation 11
on September 17th, 2023
Good Morning “Worshipers, Those Who Revere God.”  Today we are in chapter 11.  It has been said that chapter 11 is the most challenging in all of Revelation.  Most all of chapter 11 is part of the “pause” or “parenthesis” we started last chapter and will continue through 14. That is to say, this is all happening while the first part of the Tribulation is going on.  It’s not a continuation of the t...  Read More