Good Morning “Sin Evictors”. Today we are in Joshua 12.
Just a simple transitional, summary chapter at first glance. Remember however; the entire Bible is one story about our redemption through Jesus. So… let’s consider the metaphors we see at play here.
We know Moses was representative of the Law. The Law was never sufficient to save us; only convict us (Romans 8:3). Moses could only get them to the edge of the promised land but could not deliver them from their sin, into the Promised Land. That would take Grace.
We know Joshua “Yeshua in Hebrew”, was representative of Grace. Jesus “Yeshua in Hebrew” would be that Grace - and ultimate source of Salvation. Only by Grace could Israel enter the promise land. Only by the Grace of Jesus can we enter Heaven, our Promised Land (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Moses, and then Joshua conquered all the major kings that made the nations inhabitance of the Land possible. However; as individual tribes they would have to deal with any remaining stragglers. If they were to enjoy the full potential of their inheritance, they must purge any remaining inhabitants from their inherited land. Failure to do so would result in continued conflict and potential corruption.
Jesus conquered sin and death, our greatest enemies for us! He made salvation possible for us. Gave us life! However; we must receive His payment. Furthermore, to experience all that God has for us, both here on earth and as reward in heaven we must deal with our former inhabitants. We must humbly, and by the strength of the Holy Spirit in us, drive out any remaining “sin” that inhabits us (Galatians 2:20). Failure to do so only results in increased continued conflict between our flesh and spirit (Galatians 5:17).
It’s a process we must desire and submit to (James 4:7-8), and one that God will continue until the day Jesus comes to get us (Philippians 1:6). As we spend time in The Word, and thereby time with God, the desires change. It’s not a one and done deal though. It’s an every day, every minute grinding it out, don’t let Scripture leave your thinking - type of process. (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 119:9-11)
Love you all! Dig in.
Just a simple transitional, summary chapter at first glance. Remember however; the entire Bible is one story about our redemption through Jesus. So… let’s consider the metaphors we see at play here.
We know Moses was representative of the Law. The Law was never sufficient to save us; only convict us (Romans 8:3). Moses could only get them to the edge of the promised land but could not deliver them from their sin, into the Promised Land. That would take Grace.
We know Joshua “Yeshua in Hebrew”, was representative of Grace. Jesus “Yeshua in Hebrew” would be that Grace - and ultimate source of Salvation. Only by Grace could Israel enter the promise land. Only by the Grace of Jesus can we enter Heaven, our Promised Land (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Moses, and then Joshua conquered all the major kings that made the nations inhabitance of the Land possible. However; as individual tribes they would have to deal with any remaining stragglers. If they were to enjoy the full potential of their inheritance, they must purge any remaining inhabitants from their inherited land. Failure to do so would result in continued conflict and potential corruption.
Jesus conquered sin and death, our greatest enemies for us! He made salvation possible for us. Gave us life! However; we must receive His payment. Furthermore, to experience all that God has for us, both here on earth and as reward in heaven we must deal with our former inhabitants. We must humbly, and by the strength of the Holy Spirit in us, drive out any remaining “sin” that inhabits us (Galatians 2:20). Failure to do so only results in increased continued conflict between our flesh and spirit (Galatians 5:17).
It’s a process we must desire and submit to (James 4:7-8), and one that God will continue until the day Jesus comes to get us (Philippians 1:6). As we spend time in The Word, and thereby time with God, the desires change. It’s not a one and done deal though. It’s an every day, every minute grinding it out, don’t let Scripture leave your thinking - type of process. (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 119:9-11)
Love you all! Dig in.
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