Office 970-454-3411
Matthew 11
on January 21st, 2023
Matthew 11Having sent out the 12 disciples to get to work, Jesus gets back at it - Teaching and Preaching.  He points out the kind of man John the Baptist is.  Not what you would expect, yet “Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭11‬ ‭John wasn’t who the...  Read More
Matthew 10
on January 20th, 2023
Well you ready?  Are you all squared away?  Don’t take anything with you - no extra money,  no clothes.  God will provide through His people.  Go tell the people the Kingdom of God is near!  Boom - I’m giving you The Authority to cast out demons, to heal the sick and the Lepers - even to raise the dead! You’ll be like sheep among wolves.  “You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one w...  Read More
Matthew 9
on January 19th, 2023
Matthew 9Matthew was a tax collector.  Tax collectors were the WORST - often demanding way more tax than was required so that they could keep some for themselves.  Jesus chooses and calls Matthew - no biggie.  Jesus can use anyone He chooses who’s willing.Miracles, miracles, miracles.  This chapter is filled with miraculous healings!  Paralyzed man - no problem.   Unclean women bleeding for 12 yea...  Read More
Matthew 8
on January 18th, 2023
Having finished The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus comes down followed by the growing crowd.  Let the miracle performing begin!  Having just heard His sermon, imagine being a disciple - tagging along while Jesus touches the man with leprosy.  Touching a leper was a big no no in the Jewish world.  He wastes no time turning the world on its head.  The thing is, He will soon heal others without a touch. ...  Read More
Matthew 7
on January 17th, 2023
This chapter is jammed packed with slaps straight in the face for all of us!  Get that plank out of your eye… then you can see clearly to remove the sliver from your neighbors eye.  We love to point the finger at others - it takes the focus off of us.  Here Jesus continues to remind us He wants our heart!  Make sure you’re squared up before you go pointing out where others are off.He’s always ther...  Read More
Matthew 6
on January 16th, 2023
Matthew 6Sermon on the MountJesus continues to instruct His followers, reiterating that He is concerned with their / our heart.  The “good” things we do should be done in secret, not for the worlds praise.  When we give, when we pray, when we fast - it’s between us and the Father.  If what we’re after is the praise of men… that’s all we get.  If honoring God the Father is our goal, and storing up ...  Read More
Matthew 5
on January 16th, 2023
At the end of Matthew 4 we see Jesus strolling along the sea - just calling fishermen to leave EVERYTHING and join Him.  The crazy thing is, they DO IT.  The expectation is - we will too!5 starts with Jesus lining them out.  He’s got them, now what’s He do with them?  First a little training.  Jesus starts with a list of expectations we’ve come to know as the Beatitudes.  If you’re going to roll w...  Read More
Matthew 4
on January 14th, 2023
“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit to be tested by the devil in the Wilderness.” It’s important to note - The Holy Spirit led Him to be tested!  Remember although Jesus was fully God, He was also fully man.  This is yet another one of those miraculous things difficult for us to wrap our minds around.  Why would The Spirit lead Him to be tested?  We know as a human, “He grew in wisdom and stature.” ...  Read More
Matthew 3
on January 14th, 2023
Matthew 3God is in the business of using the unlikely!  John the Baptist didn’t fit the religious leaders mold that’s for sure.  Maybe I’ll show up Sunday morning wearing a camel hair coat.  We can grab some lunch after service - anyone know who serves locust and honey?The Pharisees and the Sadducees were the rule keepers, yet it’s John that has to set them straight!  John is busy teaching repenta...  Read More
Matthew 1, Matthew 2
on January 12th, 2023
Matthew 2 Last night at Youth Group we dug into Matthew 1.  If you missed that message you can check it by clicking here.  I challenged our students to join me as we read through the New Testament.  Today we’re in Matthew 2. He is finally here!  The long awaited Savior of the world has arrived - born in Bethlehem just as was prophesied!   “But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means ...  Read More
on January 11th, 2023
The Bible is full of things we are only recently discovering. In 1977 Scientists discovered a true Hydrothermal vent in the East Pacific off the coast of the Galapagos Rift. A Hydrothermal vent is literally a hot spring on the ocean floor.....  Read More
on January 10th, 2023
What could the Bible possibly have to say about Meteorology? About 300 years ago we discovered and proved that air has weight. The relative weights of air and water are needed for the efficient functioning of the world’s hydrologic cycle, which in turn sustains life on the earth....  Read More