Good Morning “Full of Faith”. Today we’re studying Hebrews 11 - The Hall of Faith.
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”
Hebrews 11:1-3 NIV
Simply put Faith is putting your belief into practice. Belief should result in action demonstrating true faith. Many listed here in the “Hall of Faith” suffered incredibly, some reorganized their entire lives - yet they had FAITH in Gods plan! They knew that although, through their human eyes, things might have seemed bad - God meant them for good! Joseph plainly says exactly that after being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. “But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Genesis 50:19-20 NIV
Consider even Noah, who with FAITH built the Arc because God told him He was going to flood the earth - despite the fact that it had never rained to that point. Scholars differ on construction time of the Arc because Scripture doesn’t say exactly. Noah had his 3 sons when he received Gods instruction. Gen. 6:10 Noah began having sons at 500 and he was 600 when he entered the Arc with his sons and their wives. Many estimate 50-80 years to build. Just think about his friends and neighbors… They would have thought he was nuts building that thing on dry land.
“Where’s the water going to come from Noah?”
“It’s gonna fall from the sky and come up from the ground…”.
“Ha ha ha! Yeah right!!!”
Then, Noah and his family watched as everything in the world was destroyed. Only in FAITH could Noah had believed it was good!
I recently had a student ask me how I thought we as “The Church” would react if “things” get really, really bad while we’re still living. The question came as we discussed end time events, and the command we are given to be “salt and light” - the preservative of all things good and the restraint of evil.
My answer… How have we reacted to the little tests we have had so far - that seemingly came with little or no suffering? How much light do we shine? How well have we done preserving righteousness and the things of God - in our world?
What in our lives demonstrates our FAITH? FAITH is TRUE BELIEF demonstrated. Do you BELIEVE?
Love you all! Dig in! There are so many characters in this chapter worth studying!
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”
Hebrews 11:1-3 NIV
Simply put Faith is putting your belief into practice. Belief should result in action demonstrating true faith. Many listed here in the “Hall of Faith” suffered incredibly, some reorganized their entire lives - yet they had FAITH in Gods plan! They knew that although, through their human eyes, things might have seemed bad - God meant them for good! Joseph plainly says exactly that after being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. “But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Genesis 50:19-20 NIV
Consider even Noah, who with FAITH built the Arc because God told him He was going to flood the earth - despite the fact that it had never rained to that point. Scholars differ on construction time of the Arc because Scripture doesn’t say exactly. Noah had his 3 sons when he received Gods instruction. Gen. 6:10 Noah began having sons at 500 and he was 600 when he entered the Arc with his sons and their wives. Many estimate 50-80 years to build. Just think about his friends and neighbors… They would have thought he was nuts building that thing on dry land.
“Where’s the water going to come from Noah?”
“It’s gonna fall from the sky and come up from the ground…”.
“Ha ha ha! Yeah right!!!”
Then, Noah and his family watched as everything in the world was destroyed. Only in FAITH could Noah had believed it was good!
I recently had a student ask me how I thought we as “The Church” would react if “things” get really, really bad while we’re still living. The question came as we discussed end time events, and the command we are given to be “salt and light” - the preservative of all things good and the restraint of evil.
My answer… How have we reacted to the little tests we have had so far - that seemingly came with little or no suffering? How much light do we shine? How well have we done preserving righteousness and the things of God - in our world?
What in our lives demonstrates our FAITH? FAITH is TRUE BELIEF demonstrated. Do you BELIEVE?
Love you all! Dig in! There are so many characters in this chapter worth studying!
Leviticus 5Leviticus 4Leviticus 7Leviticus 6Leviticus 9Leviticus 8Leviticus 10Leviticus 11Leviticus 12Leviticus 13Leviticus 14Leviticus 15Leviticus 16Leviticus 17Leviticus 18Leviticus 19Leviticus 20Leviticus 21Leviticus 22Leviticus 23Leviticus 24Leviticus 25Leviticus 26Leviticus 27Numbers 1Numbers 2Numbers 3Numbers 4Numbers 5Numbers 6Numbers 7Numbers 8
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