Office 970-454-3411
2 John 1
on September 4th, 2023
Good Morning “Truth Walking Children.”  Today we take a look at the one chapter letter of 2 John.  Have you ever noticed how quickly a lie spreads?  The Truth although supremely powerful seems slower to move.  It’s weird.  Almost as if there were some driving force behind the lie or deception. Never forget the spiritual battle we wage daily.  John has recently received a visit from some of the mem...  Read More
1 John 5
on September 3rd, 2023
Good Morning “Eternal”.  Today we wrap up Johns first letter with Chapter 5In closing John reminds us that Gods love should compel us to repent.  True love for God results in a changed life.  With the Holy Spirit we have overcome the world, and all of its evil.  These believers struggled to believe Jesus came in the flesh.  Remember they believed the flesh was evil.  As we get to verse 13 he discl...  Read More
1 John 4
on September 2nd, 2023
Good Morning “Over Comers.”  Today we are in 1 John 4.John starts by discussing false prophets and teachers led by deceiving spirits or rather demons.  Yes there are angels all around us.  Let’s not forget 1/3 rebelled with Satan and are roaming around also.  They are focused on derailing anything God is doing.  They will not acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God, come in the flesh.  Our knowledge o...  Read More
1 John 3
on September 1st, 2023
Good Morning “Children of God.”  Today 1 John 3.  We are all someone’s child.  We never cease being their child even if there’s trouble in the relationship.   Here John continues with his reminders that we are children of God.“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!…”‭‭1 John‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬ ‭NIV‬‬Nothing in all of creation can...  Read More
1 John 2
on August 31st, 2023
Good Morning “Word Obeyers.”Today we are in 1 John 2.John gets serious fast with this group of believers that were denying Jesus and claiming to be Gods people.  The two don’t mesh… it doesn’t work like that and John makes it very clear.  He also hits hard with the reality that if we TRULY believe there should be action that shows that.   I don’t care what it is you believe in, if you TRULY believ...  Read More
1 John 1
on August 30th, 2023
Good Morning “Light Walkers”.  Today we start 1 John 1.  This letter, commonly attributed to the Apostle John, was written to a group of believers - some who had abandoned their faith as it was originally taught to them.  Greeks first believed that the flesh was evil and only the Spirit was good.  They couldn’t reconcile the fact that Jesus came in the flesh.  As a result their lives turned immora...  Read More
2 Peter 3
on August 29th, 2023
Good Morning “Ready and Waiting.” Today we wrap up Peters second letter with 2 Peter 3.As we’ve already talked about, there were false teachers and prophets within the church’s Peter was writing to.  They were teaching that Jesus wasn’t coming after all.“Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is ...  Read More
2 Peter 2
on August 28th, 2023
Good Morning”Recognizers of False Teachers.”  Today 2 Peter 2One of the reasons for Peters writing this letter to the church’s, was to address the false teaching that Jesus was not coming back.  This teaching spurred immorality, for if Jesus is not coming back why worry about righteous living.  Remember there is nothing new under the sun.  History repeats its self.  Therefore there is great applic...  Read More
2 Peter 1
on August 27th, 2023
Good Morning “Prophecy Watchers.”  Today we dig into 2 Peter 1.Peter is in Prison in Rome.  In anticipation of his execution, he decides to write a 2nd letter to the churches he had written to before.  You see he heard they were twisting off.  Jesus had not returned yet, so false teachers began teaching he wasn’t coming back.  With no impending judgement they were living immoral lives.  Have you s...  Read More
1 Peter 5
on August 26th, 2023
Good Morning “Clothed in Humility.”  Today we wrap up 1 Peter with chapter 5As Peter wraps up he reminds the Elders of the church to Shepard the people well.  Lead by example!  Love with a tender heart!  Correct with gentleness.He also reminds the younger submit to the Elders.  God put each of us right where we are at.  In our little worlds He has surrounded us with wisdom… if we are paying attent...  Read More
1 Peter 4
on August 25th, 2023
Good Morning “Faithful Stewards of Gods Grace.”  Today we are in 1 Peter 4.If you are like me, you have at times wondered what you were “here” for.  Why did God make me?  What is His purpose for my life?  What am I missing?  Peter continues to talk about suffering and our attitudes in the midst of it.  Right smack in the middle he reminds them / us to care for one another well, to use the gifts Go...  Read More
1 Peter 3
on August 24th, 2023
Good Morning “Do-Gooders”. Today we are in 1 Peter 3.In John 16:33 Jesus told the Disciples, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”James told us “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,” James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬  He further reminded us that trials were a tool to help us growing up.The Bible actually talks a lot about s...  Read More