Office 970-454-3411
John 2
on March 21st, 2023
Hey Mother and Father Honor-ers.   Today we take a look  at John 2.  If you’ve fallen behind, no worries, don’t get discouraged, just jump in here.  The first of Jesus miracles as a part of His ministry is recorded here.   It demonstrates His power yes, but there is so much more here.  Check out the dialogue between Jesus’ and His mother.  When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They h...  Read More
John 1
on March 20th, 2023
Good Morning both Children of God, and doubters of it all.  Today, take a look at John 1.  John declares that he wrote this book so that through its words you might believe that Jesus IS the Messiah, The Son of God, and that by believing you might have life in His name.   It’s been said that one cannot possibly read through the entire book of John and NOT give your life to Jesus.  Its Truths are T...  Read More
Luke 24
on March 19th, 2023
Good Morning With Jesus Walkers.  Check out Luke 24.Jesus was crucified for your sins and mine.  Then, He was placed in a tomb and a stone (Boulder) rolled across the opening.  On the third day He rose conquering sin and death.  The women go and see that that tomb is empty.  They go back and tell the others - but they don’t believe. Others go as well, and return - but the others don’t believe.The ...  Read More
Luke 23
on March 18th, 2023
Good Morning Paradise with Jesus Seekers.  Open up Luke 23 today.If you have asked forgiveness and received Jesus payment for your sins, asked Him to be your Lord and Savior and demonstrated that BELIEF by repenting of your sins your fate is sealed by the blood of Jesus.  Your good works can’t save you but they do demonstrate you are saved. Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us, It’s by grace you have been s...  Read More
Luke 22
on March 17th, 2023
Good Morning Loyal Jesus Followers.  Luke 22 is mind blowing!“Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.” Luke‬ ‭22‬:‭3‬ ‭Judas agrees to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  We all know the story… but have you considered this?  Judas took care of his business then joined the others in the Upper Room for the Passover.  Judas ate too!  Jesus broke bread with Judas knowing he ha...  Read More
Luke 21
on March 16th, 2023
Good Morning Watchers.  Have a look at Luke 21Luke 21 begins with a reminder that we should offer all we have back to God.  It’s all His.  He blesses us with all we have and know.  We are simply stewards and should not love our stuff so tightly we are unwilling to let go of it - for His glory.Luke records Jesus’ prophetic warning regarding the destruction of Jerusalem.  Matthew records a few more ...  Read More
Luke 20
on March 15th, 2023
Good Morning Jesus Accepters.  Today - Luke 20.It’s all Jesus.  It always has been - all about Jesus.  The story of Jesus, and redemption through His blood shed on the cross is woven all through Scripture.The religious leaders are fired up.  Jesus is exposing their darkened hearts a preaching the Gospel of Grace.  They scheme and plot, in an attempt to back Him into a corner with His teaching.  Tr...  Read More
Luke 19
on March 14th, 2023
Good Morning Users of the Gifts God has Given!  Take a look at Luke 19.  In this chapter Luke includes the Parable of Ten Minas as told by Jesus.  The parable describes a future King who has to go away to a far off land.  He leaves 10 servants each in charge of a sum of money and instructs them to put their money to work.  When he returns he finds some who increased the money he had given them and...  Read More
Luke 18
on March 13th, 2023
Good Morning Humble Repenters.  Today, a look at Luke 18.2 men, both offering prayers.  One very thankful he’s not like the rest of the horrible people he sees around him.  Seemingly something ok to be thankful for.  By this man’s prayer, it seems obvious he believes he’s different.  However, sin is sin… and we’re all guilty.  “We’ve all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.” Romans 3:23  H...  Read More
Luke 17
on March 12th, 2023
Good Morning Good Examples.  Check out Luke 17.  Someone is always watching.  These days, especially with social media, our lives are on display for all to see.  What are we showing others with the way we live and the things we are about?  What kind of example do we set?  Are we an encouragement for others to press into Jesus or are we leading them further away?  It’s really something we should be...  Read More
Luke 16
on March 11th, 2023
Type your new text here....  Read More
Luke 15
on March 10th, 2023
Good Morning Once Lost, but now Found!  Today we dive into Luke 15.  Jesus shares multiple parables to show the value He puts on a single lost person.  We may look at someone who has totally spun out, off the tracks, wrong road… and shrug our shoulders.  Not my circus, not my monkeys.  But get a load of the words of Jesus here!  Leave the 99 to go find the one lost sheep.  Sweep the entire house l...  Read More