Good Morning “Worshipers in the Storm”. Check out Acts 16 today.
I don’t know about you, but I find it easy to worship and praise God when things are going good. My faith is tested and I really have to press in and remember His promises when they aren’t. Even though some of our culture denies God, He’s typically the first to get cursed when things go bad. Do we do that to? Maybe we don’t curse Him, but do we question? Why God? Where are you? I’m trying to serve you?
Check out Paul and Silas in this chapter! They cast a demon out of a future telling slave releasing her from bondage. Her owners become irate because they had been making a lot of money off of her. The owners seize Paul and Silas, drag them into the marketplace. They stir up the magistrates with lies and Paul and Silas get stripped and beaten with rods. Scripture has a way of understating the severity of certain things. Beatings, floggings, stoning’s and crucifixions were common. So, when The Bible says they were “flogged severely” - it was bad!
They put them in prison, post a guard and lock their feet in the stocks. Likely in very bad shape… guess what they do?
“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.”
Acts 16:25 NIV
You gotta dig in and read the rest of this! Check it out! We could learn a lot about praising God in the midst of the storm from these guys.
Love you all!
I don’t know about you, but I find it easy to worship and praise God when things are going good. My faith is tested and I really have to press in and remember His promises when they aren’t. Even though some of our culture denies God, He’s typically the first to get cursed when things go bad. Do we do that to? Maybe we don’t curse Him, but do we question? Why God? Where are you? I’m trying to serve you?
Check out Paul and Silas in this chapter! They cast a demon out of a future telling slave releasing her from bondage. Her owners become irate because they had been making a lot of money off of her. The owners seize Paul and Silas, drag them into the marketplace. They stir up the magistrates with lies and Paul and Silas get stripped and beaten with rods. Scripture has a way of understating the severity of certain things. Beatings, floggings, stoning’s and crucifixions were common. So, when The Bible says they were “flogged severely” - it was bad!
They put them in prison, post a guard and lock their feet in the stocks. Likely in very bad shape… guess what they do?
“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.”
Acts 16:25 NIV
You gotta dig in and read the rest of this! Check it out! We could learn a lot about praising God in the midst of the storm from these guys.
Love you all!
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