Good Morning “No favoritism show-ers”. Check out Acts 10
Ever look at someone and think to yourself… yeah, Jesus isn’t for that guy? This is a story of “that guy”.
Cornelius has a vision. An angel of the Lord appears. The message he gets is simple really, God has witnessed his good works - and he is to send for Peter and bring him back. At first glance this seems normal, but get this; Cornelius was a Centurion. (A Roman soldier over 100 men). He was also a Gentile. It still was not common for Jews to associate with Gentiles, especially not Roman Soldiers! Remember who arrested and carried out the execution of Jesus?
Around the same time Peter was receiving a vision. Peter’s vision included animals that had been considered unclean and were forbidden food under Jewish law. The fact that Gentiles did NOT consider these foods unclean, and ate freely was one of the major separating factors. Jews could be considered “unclean” for associating with Gentiles who had eaten “unclean” food. God wipes this concern out, with Peter. As many formerly unclean animals appear in Peters vision God declares “…Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”” Acts 10:13, 15 NIV
Peter understood that Gods message was about more than just food. Check out Acts 10:34-35 “Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.”
We’ve already read about many conversions of Jews and Gentiles that were far from expected including:
- A demonic sorcerer named Simon who believed the gospel.
- A high ranking official from Ethiopia—who was a eunuch and believed the gospel. He even insisted on being baptized in a mud puddle essentially.
- A violent murdering, zealous Jewish man named Saul who gets blinded by the light of Jesus, believes the gospel, and immediately starts preaching Christ crucified!
Now we get to read about a Roman Centurion named Cornelius, his family, and large group of people around him.
Check it out to see how God puts this whole thing together. Love you all! Dig in!
Ever look at someone and think to yourself… yeah, Jesus isn’t for that guy? This is a story of “that guy”.
Cornelius has a vision. An angel of the Lord appears. The message he gets is simple really, God has witnessed his good works - and he is to send for Peter and bring him back. At first glance this seems normal, but get this; Cornelius was a Centurion. (A Roman soldier over 100 men). He was also a Gentile. It still was not common for Jews to associate with Gentiles, especially not Roman Soldiers! Remember who arrested and carried out the execution of Jesus?
Around the same time Peter was receiving a vision. Peter’s vision included animals that had been considered unclean and were forbidden food under Jewish law. The fact that Gentiles did NOT consider these foods unclean, and ate freely was one of the major separating factors. Jews could be considered “unclean” for associating with Gentiles who had eaten “unclean” food. God wipes this concern out, with Peter. As many formerly unclean animals appear in Peters vision God declares “…Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”” Acts 10:13, 15 NIV
Peter understood that Gods message was about more than just food. Check out Acts 10:34-35 “Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.”
We’ve already read about many conversions of Jews and Gentiles that were far from expected including:
- A demonic sorcerer named Simon who believed the gospel.
- A high ranking official from Ethiopia—who was a eunuch and believed the gospel. He even insisted on being baptized in a mud puddle essentially.
- A violent murdering, zealous Jewish man named Saul who gets blinded by the light of Jesus, believes the gospel, and immediately starts preaching Christ crucified!
Now we get to read about a Roman Centurion named Cornelius, his family, and large group of people around him.
Check it out to see how God puts this whole thing together. Love you all! Dig in!
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