Office 970-454-3411

Mark 7

Good Morning Humble Christ Imitators. Matt 7.  It’s easy to get hung up on religious practices.  Because we are sinners we daily experience conviction from the Holy Spirit.  It seems we can somewhat quiet the voice of conviction by “doing” things that make us “feel” spiritual.  Things that make us “feel” obedient - make us “feel” ok, despite our unrepentant sin or hard hearts.

Even things like prayer, Scripture study, going to church, serving and evangelizing do little to mature us if our hearts are not humbly submitted to Jesus, and our reasons pure.  We make it about us!  “If I do these things, it makes up for sin.”  “I’m a pretty good person.”  “I go to church twice a week, I give obediently, I volunteer, I’m pretty kind, I, I, I. Those are a lot of I statements.  The problem is it’s supposed to be all about Him!  Our spiritual resume may impress others but it doesn’t impress Jesus, and has a tendency to create a false sense of “I’m good with Jesus” in our minds. We may convince ourselves and even some others.
The Truth is, He sees our real heart.  The
 benchmark is perfection, the example is Jesus and we fall short.  The BEST we can do is like filthy rags, compared to Christ.  NOTHING makes up for our sin.  The penalty has to be paid, either by us - for all of eternity, or by Jesus!  It’s always been Jesus - and we get to pick!  

Satan would try to convince us that living an obedient life is too hard.  That, if your heart is not in the right place you might as well forget it - why bother, give up.  That’s the absolute worse thing you could do.  Resist the evil one and any idea that does not jive with Scripture.  Humble yourself, press in, draw close to Jesus, and let the Holy Spirit transform your heart from the inside.  James 4:7-8, 2 Corinthians. 10:5, Romans 12:1-2, Philippians 1:6 THATS the only way it works.

It’s all Him!

Love You All, but He Loves You More!