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2 Samuel 23
on July 14th, 2024
Good Morning “Observers of Prophecy.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 23.Here we find David’s last Oracle to Israel.  Our text says David’s last words. However David’s last last words were given in instruction to his son Solomon in 1 Kings 2 prior to his last breath recorded in 1 Kings 2:10.  So is there a conflict problem here?  Perhaps it appears that way if we only consider our English translations.T...  Read More
2 Samuel 22
on July 13th, 2024
Good Morning “Acknowledgers of God in ALL Things.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 22.  How did David a man after Gods own heart look back and view the struggles of life?  In success, in failure, loved and despised by the nation, grace and discipline, in peace and war - David acknowledges God.  This passage, together with Psalm 18 help to paint a picture of David’s heart.  Without these passages we are ...  Read More
2 Samuel 21
on July 12th, 2024
Good Morning “Trainers of Your Replacements.” Today we are in 2 Samuel 21.  At first glance this chapter reads like a simple record of King Davids duties.  But there is a subtle hint of what came across to me as both sadness and rejoicing.  The chapter begins showing David typically caring for Israel.  In it we see yet another example of the ripple effect of sin on generations to come.  Israel has...  Read More
2 Samuel 20
on July 11th, 2024
Good Morning “Those Who Are Wholeheartedly Obedient.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 20.  With Absalom out of the picture it’s smooth sailing for David and his kingdom, right?  Not so fast.  Conflict continues.  Sheba decides he’d like to be King.  And… wishy washy Israel quickly falls in line right behind him.  What’s David to do?  Rally the troops of Judah and squash the rebellion.  He summons Amasa ...  Read More
2 Samuel 19
on July 10th, 2024
Good Morning “Those That Never Waver.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 19.Absalom, Israel’s self appointed leader, is dead.  David mourns his death to the point that Joab has to check him up.  Absalom was David’s son after all, but to all of David’s men it seemed like a slap in the face.  “We saved David and his families hide, but instead of celebration we’re all mourning.  What’s up?”  David responds a...  Read More
2 Samuel 18
on July 9th, 2024
Good Morning “Recognizers of an unpopular reality.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 18.  This chapter is full of parallels.  David and Absalom parallel Jesus and His enemies. Also, our new Life in Christ vs our flesh.  The Cushite and Ahimaaz parallel someone who is “all in” compared to someone who wants to keep one foot in the world.  We live in a world of idealistic universal coexistence.  What am I g...  Read More
2 Samuel 17
on July 8th, 2024
Good Morning “Those who know The Shepherd.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 17.God is about to act.  Remember 2 Samuel 16:12 “It may be that the Lord will look upon my misery and restore me this day.”  David never quit trusting in The Lord - but remained faithful to shepherd those that were with him.  Out of love for the sheep, David became a warrior.  David was always a shepherd - a picture of Jesus.Ab...  Read More
2 Samuel 16
on July 7th, 2024
Good Morning “Recipients of Grace, but deserving of death.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 16.“The wages (payment) required for sin is death.” Romans 6:23  David continues to live through all of the discipline / punishment The Lord promised, yet even in the midst, as hard as it seems, he is the recipient of Gods Grace.  David’s sin with Bathsheba deserved punishment, his subsequent murder of her husban...  Read More
2 Samuel 15
on July 6th, 2024
Good Morning “Not Lured In.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 15.  …Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8  He’s a master of deception and persuasion and uses any means he can to do it.Here we read about Absalom, and his turning, conspiring, and the coup he leads against his father David.  Absalom turns on his father, the one who forgave him for...  Read More
2 Samuel 14
on July 5th, 2024
Good Morning “Doers of What’s Right.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 14.As we’ve said, the immediate consequence of sin is typically more sin.  The ripple effect of our sin extends further than we could ever imagine.  David didn’t execute justice when Amnon raped his half sister Tamar.  This allowed Absalom her full brother to burn with anger and desire for revenge.  Eventually Absalom lies, plots and ...  Read More
2 Samuel 13
on July 4th, 2024
Good Morning “Hesitant to Hold Accountable.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 13.And so the prophesied consequences of David’s sin with Bathsheba continue.  David knew he had been deceived by Amnon.  David knew Amnon had in turn raped and dishonored Tamar - then cast her away.  “…He was very angry” Vs 21.  He was very angry and…And… it appears nothing.  David was both the father and King, and in that, ha...  Read More
2 Samuel 12
on July 3rd, 2024
Good Morning “Those who are broken.”  Today we are in 2 Samuel 12.Yesterday we read about sins process in David.  He saw, he entertained, he sinned.  Sin purposes to give birth to more sin - it’s one of the consequences of sin.  More sin!  Sinking to a deeper depth is the result unless we stop it at a thought.  David went from taking Bathsheba to premeditated murder.  Pretty deep.After sin comes j...  Read More