Good Morning “Followers of the 2nd Joshua (Jesus).” Today we are in Numbers 27.
Isreal was led through the desert by God through Moses who was expected to stay in tune with God at every step, committed to preserving Gods righteousness. Although Gods heart is the same, the administration of it changed after Jesus. The New Testament church and all of the church to follow, are to be led by God through leaders who stay in tune with God through the Holy Spirit - committed to preserving Gods righteousness. Biblically the leadership of the church should be made up of Godly “Overseers”, namely Elders, and Shepards.
If we The Body are to be Salt and Light, then it stands to reason that those in leadership are equally or even more so. Salt is a preservative. We are to be a preservative of all that is Holy. Light dispels darkness. Light and darkness have no association together. Good and evil have no association. Through Jesus we are to be light - leaders even more so. Leaders should be light in the community, with no apparent association with darkness. “Above Reproach”. (Titus 1, 1 Timothy 3)
Here we see Moses’ clear consequences for his lack of obedience. Aaron and Miriam have already passed. Moses, realizing the importance of a Godly leader who can lead the people accordingly, urges God to appoint one… ha ha like God didn’t already have a plan.
”“May the Lord, the God who gives breath to all living things, appoint someone over this community to go out and come in before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the Lord’s people will not be like sheep without a shepherd.”“
Numbers 27:16-17 NIV
God chooses Joshua. Leadership is a calling… by Who? God! Remember, Joshua and Caleb have been into the land and were the only 2 of the 12 spies that came back with Faith willing to go back and take it. Everyone else died in the desert.
Interestingly enough Jesus’ name, “Yeshua” is the Hebrew equivalent of the name Joshua, meaning “God saves.” Jesus - the “greater” Joshua - came from Heaven, and by virtue of His resurrection, He has returned there. Jesus told His disciples He was going to prepare a place for us and that He would return to bring us back with Him.
The first Joshua led God’s people, Israel, to an earthly “promised land.” And Jesus, the greater Joshua, will lead His people, both Jew and Gentile, to the “Promised Land,” the New Jerusalem. (John 14:2-3; Revelation 21:1-3)
Love you all! Dig in! Follow Jesus!
Isreal was led through the desert by God through Moses who was expected to stay in tune with God at every step, committed to preserving Gods righteousness. Although Gods heart is the same, the administration of it changed after Jesus. The New Testament church and all of the church to follow, are to be led by God through leaders who stay in tune with God through the Holy Spirit - committed to preserving Gods righteousness. Biblically the leadership of the church should be made up of Godly “Overseers”, namely Elders, and Shepards.
If we The Body are to be Salt and Light, then it stands to reason that those in leadership are equally or even more so. Salt is a preservative. We are to be a preservative of all that is Holy. Light dispels darkness. Light and darkness have no association together. Good and evil have no association. Through Jesus we are to be light - leaders even more so. Leaders should be light in the community, with no apparent association with darkness. “Above Reproach”. (Titus 1, 1 Timothy 3)
Here we see Moses’ clear consequences for his lack of obedience. Aaron and Miriam have already passed. Moses, realizing the importance of a Godly leader who can lead the people accordingly, urges God to appoint one… ha ha like God didn’t already have a plan.
”“May the Lord, the God who gives breath to all living things, appoint someone over this community to go out and come in before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the Lord’s people will not be like sheep without a shepherd.”“
Numbers 27:16-17 NIV
God chooses Joshua. Leadership is a calling… by Who? God! Remember, Joshua and Caleb have been into the land and were the only 2 of the 12 spies that came back with Faith willing to go back and take it. Everyone else died in the desert.
Interestingly enough Jesus’ name, “Yeshua” is the Hebrew equivalent of the name Joshua, meaning “God saves.” Jesus - the “greater” Joshua - came from Heaven, and by virtue of His resurrection, He has returned there. Jesus told His disciples He was going to prepare a place for us and that He would return to bring us back with Him.
The first Joshua led God’s people, Israel, to an earthly “promised land.” And Jesus, the greater Joshua, will lead His people, both Jew and Gentile, to the “Promised Land,” the New Jerusalem. (John 14:2-3; Revelation 21:1-3)
Love you all! Dig in! Follow Jesus!
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