Good Morning “Both Blessed, and Disciplined.” Today we are in Leviticus 26.
Maybe you’ve heard me say that with every decision we make, the way we live our lives - we either position ourselves for the blessing of God, or we position ourselves for His discipline.
If you are searching for a passage that plainly illustrated both you’ll find it with Leviticus 26. It’s true, these laws were given to Israel not to us, and it’s true we now live under The Grace of God through the blood of Jesus. However; God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He still feels the same about sin. Most Old Testament Law is repeated in the New Testament. In fact in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds us that He did not come to abolish the Law but fulfill it. He in fact warns them not to set aside even the least of those commands (Matthew 5:17-).
He promises blessing if we obey. It may not come in the form of riches or material goods here on earth, but there is a blessing that is more valuable than any of that - check it out:
“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” John 14:21 NIV
So are we under grace or aren’t we? Yes absolutely but that doesn’t mean we go on sinning. In fact we have died to sin, so why would we return to it? Paul discusses this very point starting in Romans 6:1.
Within progressive Christianity there is a movement that suggests that because we are under grace, there is no longer discipline or “punishment for sin” - Jesus took it all. Jesus absolutely took the condemnation for sin. For those who have received Him they are no longer condemned (Romans 8:1), their debt had been paid. However; No condemnation does not mean there is no discipline while we are still here. The Father who loves His children disciplines them. Consider these passages:
Hebrews 12:5-11, 1 Corinthians 11:32, Revelation 3:19.
God loves, so God blesses. God loves, so God disciplines. Why would we want it any other way?
Love you all! Dig in!
Maybe you’ve heard me say that with every decision we make, the way we live our lives - we either position ourselves for the blessing of God, or we position ourselves for His discipline.
If you are searching for a passage that plainly illustrated both you’ll find it with Leviticus 26. It’s true, these laws were given to Israel not to us, and it’s true we now live under The Grace of God through the blood of Jesus. However; God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He still feels the same about sin. Most Old Testament Law is repeated in the New Testament. In fact in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds us that He did not come to abolish the Law but fulfill it. He in fact warns them not to set aside even the least of those commands (Matthew 5:17-).
He promises blessing if we obey. It may not come in the form of riches or material goods here on earth, but there is a blessing that is more valuable than any of that - check it out:
“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” John 14:21 NIV
So are we under grace or aren’t we? Yes absolutely but that doesn’t mean we go on sinning. In fact we have died to sin, so why would we return to it? Paul discusses this very point starting in Romans 6:1.
Within progressive Christianity there is a movement that suggests that because we are under grace, there is no longer discipline or “punishment for sin” - Jesus took it all. Jesus absolutely took the condemnation for sin. For those who have received Him they are no longer condemned (Romans 8:1), their debt had been paid. However; No condemnation does not mean there is no discipline while we are still here. The Father who loves His children disciplines them. Consider these passages:
Hebrews 12:5-11, 1 Corinthians 11:32, Revelation 3:19.
God loves, so God blesses. God loves, so God disciplines. Why would we want it any other way?
Love you all! Dig in!
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