Good Morning “Those Who Are Wholeheartedly Obedient.” Today we are in 2 Samuel 20.
With Absalom out of the picture it’s smooth sailing for David and his kingdom, right? Not so fast. Conflict continues. Sheba decides he’d like to be King. And… wishy washy Israel quickly falls in line right behind him.
What’s David to do? Rally the troops of Judah and squash the rebellion. He summons Amasa and gives him the order to round up Judah and come back before him in 3 days. Who is Amasa? He was leader of Absaloms army. After defeating Absalom David appointed him commander of his army… over Joab. For whatever reason… it takes Amasa longer than expected to round up Judah.
David calls for Abishai. Knowing time is of the essence he sends him with David’s warriors to stop Sheba. With the mighty warrior, Joab they head out. Joab is always ready to jump in, with the Kings best interest at heart, obedient, willing to do what no one else will… Or is he? They stumble upon Amasa, who seemingly has nothing to hide. He approaches Joab’s army, unaware of concern. Joab greets him as a brother, grabs his beard, pulls him in close for a kiss… and guts him with his dagger. Wait what?
Amasa was not the target. They were going after Sheba. While they were on their way, Joab simply saw an opportunity to secure his position with the king. No big deal right? Why was Amasa late? We don’t know. It doesn’t appear Joab cared to ask.
Within the body of Christ, His Church, exists those that seem zealous on the surface. They seem obedient to The Word of God, yet their heart is self serving. They may go through all the right motions, but when opportunity strikes they’re really about themselves.
All the troops corner Sheba in Abel Beth Maakah and prepare to conquer the city. A wise woman bravely steps up… offers an argument on behalf of her city and Joab listens. “Bring us Sheba and we’ll spare the city.” The wise woman produces Sheba’s head and all is well. WOW! Thousands of lives saved. “A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1
Quite the contrast we see in these pages. Are you one that bravely seeks peace within the body, living the Word, even when no one’s watching? Or are you one that, on the surface goes through the motions, but in your heart plots for position?
Tough questions as we look in the mirror. Love you all! Dig in!
With Absalom out of the picture it’s smooth sailing for David and his kingdom, right? Not so fast. Conflict continues. Sheba decides he’d like to be King. And… wishy washy Israel quickly falls in line right behind him.
What’s David to do? Rally the troops of Judah and squash the rebellion. He summons Amasa and gives him the order to round up Judah and come back before him in 3 days. Who is Amasa? He was leader of Absaloms army. After defeating Absalom David appointed him commander of his army… over Joab. For whatever reason… it takes Amasa longer than expected to round up Judah.
David calls for Abishai. Knowing time is of the essence he sends him with David’s warriors to stop Sheba. With the mighty warrior, Joab they head out. Joab is always ready to jump in, with the Kings best interest at heart, obedient, willing to do what no one else will… Or is he? They stumble upon Amasa, who seemingly has nothing to hide. He approaches Joab’s army, unaware of concern. Joab greets him as a brother, grabs his beard, pulls him in close for a kiss… and guts him with his dagger. Wait what?
Amasa was not the target. They were going after Sheba. While they were on their way, Joab simply saw an opportunity to secure his position with the king. No big deal right? Why was Amasa late? We don’t know. It doesn’t appear Joab cared to ask.
Within the body of Christ, His Church, exists those that seem zealous on the surface. They seem obedient to The Word of God, yet their heart is self serving. They may go through all the right motions, but when opportunity strikes they’re really about themselves.
All the troops corner Sheba in Abel Beth Maakah and prepare to conquer the city. A wise woman bravely steps up… offers an argument on behalf of her city and Joab listens. “Bring us Sheba and we’ll spare the city.” The wise woman produces Sheba’s head and all is well. WOW! Thousands of lives saved. “A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1
Quite the contrast we see in these pages. Are you one that bravely seeks peace within the body, living the Word, even when no one’s watching? Or are you one that, on the surface goes through the motions, but in your heart plots for position?
Tough questions as we look in the mirror. Love you all! Dig in!
Leviticus 5Leviticus 4Leviticus 7Leviticus 6Leviticus 9Leviticus 8Leviticus 10Leviticus 11Leviticus 12Leviticus 13Leviticus 14Leviticus 15Leviticus 16Leviticus 17Leviticus 18Leviticus 19Leviticus 20Leviticus 21Leviticus 22Leviticus 23Leviticus 24Leviticus 25Leviticus 26Leviticus 27Numbers 1Numbers 2Numbers 3Numbers 4Numbers 5Numbers 6Numbers 7Numbers 8
Numbers 9Numbers 10Numbers 11Numbers 12Numbers 13Numbers 14Numbers 15Numbers 16Numbers 17Numbers 18Numbers 19Numbers 20Numbers 21Numbers 22Numbers 23Numbers 24Numbers 25Numbers 26Numbers 27Numbers 28Numbers 29Numbers 30Numbers 31Numbers 32Numbers 33Numbers 35Numbers 34Numbers 36Deuteronomy 2Deuteronomy 1
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