Good Morning “Impressed by shiny things.” Today we are in 1 Kings 10.
It’s tough to read 1 Kings 10 and not marvel at the shear amount of wealth - unfathomable. Crazy really. We as Christians have almost adopted a “we should be appalled at such wealth and Gods allowing it”, attitude. However remember wealth and prosperity come from The Lord with purpose. “The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.” Proverbs 10:22 NIV
One of the purposes of Solomon’s incredible blessing was that he and we might realize - “Its meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 5:8-20). Joy cannot be found in it but only in Jesus.
Furthermore this is really a picture of Jesus and His Kingdom to come. Take a look at some of the passages related to Solomons future kingdom and ask yourself Who we’re really talking about here. (Psalm 72:8-11, Psalm 72:15, Isaiah 60:5-6).
Jesus referenced this story as He was speaking to the religious leaders of His day. They didn’t get It and were demanding a miracle - check out what He said in Matthew 12:38-45. Here is the portion I was referring to “The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here.”
Matthew 12:42 NIV
We need no further proof of Jesus! Gods revealed Himself all around us and shown Himself through us and others. His Kingdom is coming and it will indeed be splendid.
Love you all! Dig in!
It’s tough to read 1 Kings 10 and not marvel at the shear amount of wealth - unfathomable. Crazy really. We as Christians have almost adopted a “we should be appalled at such wealth and Gods allowing it”, attitude. However remember wealth and prosperity come from The Lord with purpose. “The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.” Proverbs 10:22 NIV
One of the purposes of Solomon’s incredible blessing was that he and we might realize - “Its meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 5:8-20). Joy cannot be found in it but only in Jesus.
Furthermore this is really a picture of Jesus and His Kingdom to come. Take a look at some of the passages related to Solomons future kingdom and ask yourself Who we’re really talking about here. (Psalm 72:8-11, Psalm 72:15, Isaiah 60:5-6).
Jesus referenced this story as He was speaking to the religious leaders of His day. They didn’t get It and were demanding a miracle - check out what He said in Matthew 12:38-45. Here is the portion I was referring to “The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here.”
Matthew 12:42 NIV
We need no further proof of Jesus! Gods revealed Himself all around us and shown Himself through us and others. His Kingdom is coming and it will indeed be splendid.
Love you all! Dig in!
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