Office 970-454-3411

Exodus 11

Good Morning “Observers of Gods Wrath.”  Today we are in Exodus 11.

As we read chapter 11 we might be tempted to think Gods judgment upon Egypt harsh.  We might be tempted to stoop to the familiar “How could a good God…” Before we go there - Let’s consider some reminders  by.

- God is the creator of all things.  As such, isn’t He perfectly just in doing with His creation what He chooses?  “Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?” Romans 9:21. As Creator He will be glorified through His creation.  Some through service to Him, and some as objects of His Wrath and Justice.  Understand this, there are aspects of God that we simply would never know unless there were objects to display them upon.  

- Things we deem as “bad”also happen to “good” people.  First let’s be clear, apart from Jesus and His Holy Spirit in us, no one is good, not even one.  We are all deserving of His wrath.  That’s what we’ve earned.  Anything other than that displays His mercy and grace.  It’s really a matter of prospective.  He works even the “bad” for ultimate good.  But also consider this: we would never know His ability to save unless we were first lost, His ability to meet our needs unless we were desperate, His ability to do miracles unless we needed one, His ability to protect unless we were in danger.  He’s concerned with FOREVER… we’re concerned with comfort now. 

- No one can come to Jesus unless the Father who sent Him draws them, and He will raise them up at the last day. John 6:44
Yet each one is responsible to receive Him.  These two principles are NOT in conflict, but in concert.  They are simply beyond our ability to comprehend.  Why do we assume we can figure out an infinite God with our finite minds?  Some He calls and chooses - some He does not.  Yet He desires that none parish.  Period.  It is good because He is Good - period. It’s ok not to fully understand - simply stand in awe and fear as we are commanded. 

- Remember, God already promised to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. That promise and warning were given in Genesis 12.  Pharoah as leader of Egypt definitely qualified as one deserving of curse.  They enslaved Israel for hundreds of years. I say they, because he was their leader.  Think politics have no place in religion… think again.  God will judge the nations.  Especially in our country, we collectively put our leaders in place. We will collectively answer for their actions - as it relates to Israel, the unborn etc etc. 

- Even as we begin to utter the question “How could a good God…”, we have already set ourselves up as judge over Him - Purposing to decide for ourselves what is good or bad. His ways are not our ways.  His thoughts are so much higher than our thoughts.  Isaiah 55:8-9 He is Holy Perfect and Good - we are NOT.  

Love you all!  Dig in!  Fear Him!  Know Him!  Live accordingly.