Good Morning “In The World but NOT of It.” Today we are in Genesis 34
Jacob, Jacob, Jacob… in chapter 34 we begin to see the sins of the father Jacob now being fleshed out in his kids. Compromise, deception, vengeance, lack of trust in God… this chapter has it all! It’s interesting to note that God is never mentioned in this chapter. Oh… He is there, in the background, but obviously pushed to the back burner of their lives during this time.
Dinah, Jacob’s daughter, probably in her early teens here, wants friends. Reasonable enough. Except she goes into the land, into the city to find them. Remember, this is the land of the pagan Canaanites. They were nearly as twisted as Sodom. Maybe in some ways more so as they were also know to practice human sacrifice. Friendship with the world never goes well for people of God. “Bad company will always corrupt good intentions.” “What association does darkness have with light?”
It does NOT go well for Dinah. Her brothers are incensed and ready to defend her honor! Jacob seems only content to “smooth” things over. Biblically the brothers are on the right track… to begin with. But then, their anger gives birth to revenge and deception and the wheels fall off the bus.
What follows is a plan of deception and retaliation that goes far beyond what would have been deemed reasonable by anyone.
Once again, through the actions of sinful men, God directs his will and preserves the line of The Savior. The nation of Israel (Jacob’s clan) will now remain separate, feared by others.
On a side note - Remember the curse to Noah’s son Canaan. “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.” Genesis 9:25 This act begins the fleshing out of this curse. However; despite God using their sin to bring His plan about, their sin will bring consequence both on them and the family.
God doesn’t author their sin, but He makes good use of it. Again, remember, He works through the sin of man because that’s what He has to work with.
Love you all! Dig in!
Jacob, Jacob, Jacob… in chapter 34 we begin to see the sins of the father Jacob now being fleshed out in his kids. Compromise, deception, vengeance, lack of trust in God… this chapter has it all! It’s interesting to note that God is never mentioned in this chapter. Oh… He is there, in the background, but obviously pushed to the back burner of their lives during this time.
Dinah, Jacob’s daughter, probably in her early teens here, wants friends. Reasonable enough. Except she goes into the land, into the city to find them. Remember, this is the land of the pagan Canaanites. They were nearly as twisted as Sodom. Maybe in some ways more so as they were also know to practice human sacrifice. Friendship with the world never goes well for people of God. “Bad company will always corrupt good intentions.” “What association does darkness have with light?”
It does NOT go well for Dinah. Her brothers are incensed and ready to defend her honor! Jacob seems only content to “smooth” things over. Biblically the brothers are on the right track… to begin with. But then, their anger gives birth to revenge and deception and the wheels fall off the bus.
What follows is a plan of deception and retaliation that goes far beyond what would have been deemed reasonable by anyone.
Once again, through the actions of sinful men, God directs his will and preserves the line of The Savior. The nation of Israel (Jacob’s clan) will now remain separate, feared by others.
On a side note - Remember the curse to Noah’s son Canaan. “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.” Genesis 9:25 This act begins the fleshing out of this curse. However; despite God using their sin to bring His plan about, their sin will bring consequence both on them and the family.
God doesn’t author their sin, but He makes good use of it. Again, remember, He works through the sin of man because that’s what He has to work with.
Love you all! Dig in!
Leviticus 5Leviticus 4Leviticus 7Leviticus 6Leviticus 9Leviticus 8Leviticus 10Leviticus 11Leviticus 12Leviticus 13Leviticus 14Leviticus 15Leviticus 16Leviticus 17Leviticus 18Leviticus 19Leviticus 20Leviticus 21Leviticus 22Leviticus 23Leviticus 24Leviticus 25Leviticus 26Leviticus 27Numbers 1Numbers 2Numbers 3Numbers 4Numbers 5Numbers 6Numbers 7Numbers 8
Numbers 9Numbers 10Numbers 11Numbers 12Numbers 13Numbers 14Numbers 15Numbers 16Numbers 17Numbers 18Numbers 19Numbers 20Numbers 21Numbers 22Numbers 23Numbers 24Numbers 25Numbers 26Numbers 27Numbers 28Numbers 29Numbers 30Numbers 31Numbers 32Numbers 33Numbers 35Numbers 34Numbers 36Deuteronomy 2Deuteronomy 1
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