Good Morning “Worriers for Nothing.” Today we are in Genesis 33.
Even after wrestling with God through the night, God demonstrating that fighting against Him is futile, Jacob still acts in fear. He lines up his family, clearly with most expendable first. He of course keeps Rachael and Joseph last in the most protected position. He then proceeds up past them to meet Esau who comes running.
Much to Jacob’s surprise Esau throws his arms around him and hugs him instead of killing him. They weep - Esau likely overwhelmed with joy to see his brother after 20 years, Jacob likely relieved he isn’t dead. Still addressing Esau as Lord and himself as servant, introduces his family who does the same. “STOP, Jacob, YOU are the PATRIARCH”…. Aren’t you yelling at him in your head right now?
Esau is confused as to why Jacob sent all the animals and people on ahead… “What’s the meaning of all these flocks and herds I met?” Genesis 33:8 Why is this so important? Get this… he didn’t understand they were a gift. That means Jacob’s gift did NOTHING. It’s a picture of the best works we have to offer God. Apart from ALL of our heart, our works are meaningless. They are like filthy rags. Isaiah 64:6.
God had already worked in Esau’s heart! “In the LORD’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him.” Prov 21:1
Through everything Jacob still doubts the Lords ability to protect him. He must have reasoned that as he readied himself for a fight God would give him the victory. He underestimated Gods ability to change the heart. Battle was never a concern.
Finally Jacob gets it, at least in part. It’s evidenced by his response when Esau try’s to deny his gift. He acknowledged that Esau’s manner was ALL God. “Seeing your face is like seeing the Face of God.” Furthermore he tells Esau he has ALL he needs. It’s vague but he’s referencing all of Gods promises - eternal life.
Notice once he arrives in the promised land he purchased a plot of ground to put his tent on. Question… Why would he buy ground that he believed God had given to him as part of the promise? Because he understood he would take possession at a later time - the Millennial Kingdom. For now, he had to buy it.
Gods always got it! Maybe not the way we imagine, but He’s always got it. It’s always in accordance with His plan. It may not always turn out the way we want, but it’s always good! Faith is demonstrated in resting on that Truth regardless of the circumstances.
Love you all! Dig in!
Even after wrestling with God through the night, God demonstrating that fighting against Him is futile, Jacob still acts in fear. He lines up his family, clearly with most expendable first. He of course keeps Rachael and Joseph last in the most protected position. He then proceeds up past them to meet Esau who comes running.
Much to Jacob’s surprise Esau throws his arms around him and hugs him instead of killing him. They weep - Esau likely overwhelmed with joy to see his brother after 20 years, Jacob likely relieved he isn’t dead. Still addressing Esau as Lord and himself as servant, introduces his family who does the same. “STOP, Jacob, YOU are the PATRIARCH”…. Aren’t you yelling at him in your head right now?
Esau is confused as to why Jacob sent all the animals and people on ahead… “What’s the meaning of all these flocks and herds I met?” Genesis 33:8 Why is this so important? Get this… he didn’t understand they were a gift. That means Jacob’s gift did NOTHING. It’s a picture of the best works we have to offer God. Apart from ALL of our heart, our works are meaningless. They are like filthy rags. Isaiah 64:6.
God had already worked in Esau’s heart! “In the LORD’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him.” Prov 21:1
Through everything Jacob still doubts the Lords ability to protect him. He must have reasoned that as he readied himself for a fight God would give him the victory. He underestimated Gods ability to change the heart. Battle was never a concern.
Finally Jacob gets it, at least in part. It’s evidenced by his response when Esau try’s to deny his gift. He acknowledged that Esau’s manner was ALL God. “Seeing your face is like seeing the Face of God.” Furthermore he tells Esau he has ALL he needs. It’s vague but he’s referencing all of Gods promises - eternal life.
Notice once he arrives in the promised land he purchased a plot of ground to put his tent on. Question… Why would he buy ground that he believed God had given to him as part of the promise? Because he understood he would take possession at a later time - the Millennial Kingdom. For now, he had to buy it.
Gods always got it! Maybe not the way we imagine, but He’s always got it. It’s always in accordance with His plan. It may not always turn out the way we want, but it’s always good! Faith is demonstrated in resting on that Truth regardless of the circumstances.
Love you all! Dig in!
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