Good Morning “Test Takers.” Today we are in Genesis 22 in which we see Abraham facing perhaps the greatest test of his life.
I have said that the story of Abraham and Lot is a story of Gods Grace upon Abraham, Lot and their families as God attempts to grow them in their faith. What is the purpose of a test? To see what the we’ve learned.
Isaac, the promised son, is now on the scene. God promised to make through him a great nation. God has demonstrated supernatural ability to make good on that promise while at the same time preserving the line of Jesus through him. Obviously if God is going to provide many descendants through Isaac, it demands Isaac be alive to produce children.
Consider that as a backdrop when you ask… “How could Abraham bring Himself to do what God asked.”
His faith in this chapter demonstrates that in this area Abraham gets it! He would have known several things as he proceeded - and possibly reasoned accordingly.
- God does not approve of human sacrifice, in fact made it clear to Noah ““Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.” Genesis 9:6
- God will not and cannot go back on His promises so… Isaac must live.
- According to Hebrews 11:19 Abraham considered that God is able to raise Isaac from the dead and believed He would do so if needed.
This is where Faith is demonstrated. Belief is empty without action.
We see something else in this chapter or rather we don’t see. Isaac is now grown up. As many as 20 or so years passed since his birth. Isaac is strong. Abraham is old old and weaker. There is no recording of struggle here. None. Somehow Abraham is able to bind Isaac and get him up on the alter and keep him there - seemingly without struggle.
What does this say about Abraham as a father?
What does this say about Isaac and his faith?
Dig in guys! Check it out for yourself! He is the Faith Builder - He carry’s on to completion the good work that He begins in us at salvation. How’s your faith? What tests are you facing - will you pass?
I have said that the story of Abraham and Lot is a story of Gods Grace upon Abraham, Lot and their families as God attempts to grow them in their faith. What is the purpose of a test? To see what the we’ve learned.
Isaac, the promised son, is now on the scene. God promised to make through him a great nation. God has demonstrated supernatural ability to make good on that promise while at the same time preserving the line of Jesus through him. Obviously if God is going to provide many descendants through Isaac, it demands Isaac be alive to produce children.
Consider that as a backdrop when you ask… “How could Abraham bring Himself to do what God asked.”
His faith in this chapter demonstrates that in this area Abraham gets it! He would have known several things as he proceeded - and possibly reasoned accordingly.
- God does not approve of human sacrifice, in fact made it clear to Noah ““Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.” Genesis 9:6
- God will not and cannot go back on His promises so… Isaac must live.
- According to Hebrews 11:19 Abraham considered that God is able to raise Isaac from the dead and believed He would do so if needed.
This is where Faith is demonstrated. Belief is empty without action.
We see something else in this chapter or rather we don’t see. Isaac is now grown up. As many as 20 or so years passed since his birth. Isaac is strong. Abraham is old old and weaker. There is no recording of struggle here. None. Somehow Abraham is able to bind Isaac and get him up on the alter and keep him there - seemingly without struggle.
What does this say about Abraham as a father?
What does this say about Isaac and his faith?
Dig in guys! Check it out for yourself! He is the Faith Builder - He carry’s on to completion the good work that He begins in us at salvation. How’s your faith? What tests are you facing - will you pass?
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