Good Morning “Followers of Our Faithful Father.” Today we are in Genesis 21.
God is always faithful to His Word, His Promise. Always remember, He is absolutely incapable of going against His character - Holiness will not allow it. No matter how crazy a promise from Scripture seems He will remain Faithful to it.
“Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.” Genesis 21:1-2 NIV
Remember Sarah was barren, and past child baring years as well. Abraham was 100. Not a problem for God. This child, Isaac is a miracle! Not just in the sense that all life is a miracle, but in the physical sense… these two couldn’t have children together.
Issac was always the one through whom Gods promise was going to come. Ultimately not just a great nation, Israel - but the Savior Jesus. Ishmael was also Abrahams son. So, despite the fact he was born from their flesh (Abraham and Sarah orchestrated his birth apart from Gods plan) in keeping with His promise, God is going to bless ALL of Abrahams descendants. So we see that as Abraham is advised to put Hagar and Ishmael “out” God will provide for and bring a great nation though Ishmael as well.
Abraham is literally brought face to face with his sin once again. Putting his son out on the street isn’t easy. He loves his son Ishmael as well, but nothing good is going to come from Ishmael and Isaac together. Remember Ishmael and his descendants will ALWAYS have hostility toward his brother and his brothers descendants. To protect the line, there must be separation. The consequences of Abraham and Sarah’s decision now extend to Hagar, Ishmael and all of his descendants to follow.
Nevertheless through it all, despite their faithlessness our God is faithful… to us as well.
Love you all! Dig in! Don’t grow weary, keep digging!
God is always faithful to His Word, His Promise. Always remember, He is absolutely incapable of going against His character - Holiness will not allow it. No matter how crazy a promise from Scripture seems He will remain Faithful to it.
“Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.” Genesis 21:1-2 NIV
Remember Sarah was barren, and past child baring years as well. Abraham was 100. Not a problem for God. This child, Isaac is a miracle! Not just in the sense that all life is a miracle, but in the physical sense… these two couldn’t have children together.
Issac was always the one through whom Gods promise was going to come. Ultimately not just a great nation, Israel - but the Savior Jesus. Ishmael was also Abrahams son. So, despite the fact he was born from their flesh (Abraham and Sarah orchestrated his birth apart from Gods plan) in keeping with His promise, God is going to bless ALL of Abrahams descendants. So we see that as Abraham is advised to put Hagar and Ishmael “out” God will provide for and bring a great nation though Ishmael as well.
Abraham is literally brought face to face with his sin once again. Putting his son out on the street isn’t easy. He loves his son Ishmael as well, but nothing good is going to come from Ishmael and Isaac together. Remember Ishmael and his descendants will ALWAYS have hostility toward his brother and his brothers descendants. To protect the line, there must be separation. The consequences of Abraham and Sarah’s decision now extend to Hagar, Ishmael and all of his descendants to follow.
Nevertheless through it all, despite their faithlessness our God is faithful… to us as well.
Love you all! Dig in! Don’t grow weary, keep digging!
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