Good Morning “Descendants of Noah.” Today we are in Genesis 6. Yup we are all direct descendants of Noah as well as Adam. How do we know? As you read on you’ll see - there was no one else left but Noah and his family.
Sin had run so rampant that God needed to wipe the earth clean. “The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” Genesis 6:5 NIV
Among the list of atrocities,
one stands out. It was something unimaginable. “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:4 NIV
Who are the sons of God? Who are the daughters of humans or men? Why the distinction that the daughters were human? The text seems to be making a point that the sons of God were not human. The children they produced were “the hero’s of old”. Actually it has been said that these likely became the basis for the “gods” or “hero’s” of Greek Mythology.
Noah was different!
“…Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.”
Genesis 6:9 NIV
Consider Noah’s faith in building the Ark. What must his family thought? What must his countryman have thought?
Here’s some facts:
- Noah lived nowhere near the water.
- It had not yet ever rained on earth.
What are you doing Noah?
Building an Ark, Gods going to flood the earth.
Ha ha… from what… from where… how?
They no doubt believed him to be a lunatic.
Jodi and were blessed to be able to check out the Ark encounter last year. It’s awesome to see a life size Ark and to consider how we believe God could have made it all happen through Noah. Opponents of the Ark argue you could never get 2 of every animal in there. Their mistake is in misunderstanding the term “kind” in the text. It would have been 2 of every base genus, not every animal. Example: 2 of the canine family; not 2 wolves, 2 coyotes, 2 poodles, 2 wiener dogs… you get the idea!
Scripture’s cool! We just saw where we’re going to end up… now we get to see how we’re going to get there! Dig in! Love you all!
Sin had run so rampant that God needed to wipe the earth clean. “The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” Genesis 6:5 NIV
Among the list of atrocities,
one stands out. It was something unimaginable. “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:4 NIV
Who are the sons of God? Who are the daughters of humans or men? Why the distinction that the daughters were human? The text seems to be making a point that the sons of God were not human. The children they produced were “the hero’s of old”. Actually it has been said that these likely became the basis for the “gods” or “hero’s” of Greek Mythology.
Noah was different!
“…Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.”
Genesis 6:9 NIV
Consider Noah’s faith in building the Ark. What must his family thought? What must his countryman have thought?
Here’s some facts:
- Noah lived nowhere near the water.
- It had not yet ever rained on earth.
What are you doing Noah?
Building an Ark, Gods going to flood the earth.
Ha ha… from what… from where… how?
They no doubt believed him to be a lunatic.
Jodi and were blessed to be able to check out the Ark encounter last year. It’s awesome to see a life size Ark and to consider how we believe God could have made it all happen through Noah. Opponents of the Ark argue you could never get 2 of every animal in there. Their mistake is in misunderstanding the term “kind” in the text. It would have been 2 of every base genus, not every animal. Example: 2 of the canine family; not 2 wolves, 2 coyotes, 2 poodles, 2 wiener dogs… you get the idea!
Scripture’s cool! We just saw where we’re going to end up… now we get to see how we’re going to get there! Dig in! Love you all!
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