Good Morning “Hopelessly Helpless.” Today we begin 1 Samuel with chapter 1.
I love how Samuel’s story begins with hopelessness. Samuels father Elkanah had two wives, Hannah, and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, Hannah was barren. This is another case where we see God working even through man’s sin - in this case multiple wives. Imagine two wives having to compete for the love of one man… not good! Peninnah loved to rub Hannah’s face in the fact that she was barren. Gloves off! Remember at that time part of a woman’s value was in her ability to provide an heir to carry on the family name, and receive the inheritance. It was big!
Hannah was in good company. Think about all that we’ve learned… Sarah, Rachael, and Rebekah all seemed unable to have children, until God… well until God put His plan into action! Samson came from the barren wife of Manoah. Even John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, came from old childless Elizabeth. It almost seems like we’re seeing a pattern here. When hope is lost and we feel helpless - buckle your seat belt! Our hopeless helplessness perfectly qualifies us to be instruments of The One and Only!
Once again we’re reminded that He sees our pain when we feel alone! He brings Hope when there is none! He uses the most unlikely of people during the most desperate of times because then there is NO question… It’s ALL God! These situations are not accidents, they’re part of the preparation. We must find ourselves humbled, and yielded to Him to recognize Its ALL Him. We feel desperation… God sees ready opportunity.
Hannah, as she cries out to The Lord, promises if He blesses her with a son she’ll dedicate him to His service. A Word from God was rare in Israel, and desperately needed by God’s chosen people, in those days. (3:1b) God’s Word was restored to His people through Hannah’s prayer, her promise, and her perseverance in following through! (3:21, 4:1a) Imagine the faith it takes to suffer for so long wanting a son, then to give him up as promised!
We have much to learn here from Hannah’s humble, faithful heart! Much to hold on to regarding Gods faithfulness.
Love you all! Dig in!
I love how Samuel’s story begins with hopelessness. Samuels father Elkanah had two wives, Hannah, and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, Hannah was barren. This is another case where we see God working even through man’s sin - in this case multiple wives. Imagine two wives having to compete for the love of one man… not good! Peninnah loved to rub Hannah’s face in the fact that she was barren. Gloves off! Remember at that time part of a woman’s value was in her ability to provide an heir to carry on the family name, and receive the inheritance. It was big!
Hannah was in good company. Think about all that we’ve learned… Sarah, Rachael, and Rebekah all seemed unable to have children, until God… well until God put His plan into action! Samson came from the barren wife of Manoah. Even John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, came from old childless Elizabeth. It almost seems like we’re seeing a pattern here. When hope is lost and we feel helpless - buckle your seat belt! Our hopeless helplessness perfectly qualifies us to be instruments of The One and Only!
Once again we’re reminded that He sees our pain when we feel alone! He brings Hope when there is none! He uses the most unlikely of people during the most desperate of times because then there is NO question… It’s ALL God! These situations are not accidents, they’re part of the preparation. We must find ourselves humbled, and yielded to Him to recognize Its ALL Him. We feel desperation… God sees ready opportunity.
Hannah, as she cries out to The Lord, promises if He blesses her with a son she’ll dedicate him to His service. A Word from God was rare in Israel, and desperately needed by God’s chosen people, in those days. (3:1b) God’s Word was restored to His people through Hannah’s prayer, her promise, and her perseverance in following through! (3:21, 4:1a) Imagine the faith it takes to suffer for so long wanting a son, then to give him up as promised!
We have much to learn here from Hannah’s humble, faithful heart! Much to hold on to regarding Gods faithfulness.
Love you all! Dig in!
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Numbers 9Numbers 10Numbers 11Numbers 12Numbers 13Numbers 14Numbers 15Numbers 16Numbers 17Numbers 18Numbers 19Numbers 20Numbers 21Numbers 22Numbers 23Numbers 24Numbers 25Numbers 26Numbers 27Numbers 28Numbers 29Numbers 30Numbers 31Numbers 32Numbers 33Numbers 35Numbers 34Numbers 36Deuteronomy 2Deuteronomy 1
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