Good Morning “Welcomed as God’s People.” Today we start Judges. Judges 1.
Before Joshua dies He urges the nation to drive out the remaining inhabitants and take full possession of the “Promised Land”. He then leads them to renew their covenant with the Lord. Judges is the story of Israel’s repeated breaking of their covenant, falling under the rule of other nations, then crying out to God for help. God responds by raising up “judges” to fight for them and save them. Judges are both military leaders and legal authorities. There are 12 tribes of Isreal - we will also read about 12 judges.
Typically when we talk about, Gentiles being “grafted” in to the family of God, we focus on Israel’s rebellion as the door for us. Because of Israel’s rebellion we are given an opportunity to receive Jesus and follow God, literally with the purpose of making Israel jealous (Romans 11:11). We typically think of our invitation to join the family of God being triggered by the cross, but truly God NEVER turned away believing outsiders (Gentiles).
Check it out: ”The descendants of Moses’ father-in-law, the Kenite, went up from the City of Palms with the people of Judah to live among the inhabitants of the Desert of Judah in the Negev near Arad.“ Judges 1:16 NIV
Moses “father-in-law” was NOT Jewish. Why does God make a point of including Moses relatives in the story of who and how they settled the “Promised Land”. Gentiles who truly believed, WERE allowed to settle there. God has never turned away the true believer. In fact Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba (the wife of the Hittite) were all Gentile women; yet we find them listed in the genealogy of David / Jesus in Matthew 1.
Consider the words of Isaiah, “Let no foreigner who is bound to the Lord say, “The Lord will surely exclude me from his people. …”Isaiah 56:3
Salvation, being part of the “family of God”, was never an exclusive club. It’s simply a club with requirements for entry, like any other. Humble yourself, believe, receive, and repent.
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
Love you all! Dig in!
Before Joshua dies He urges the nation to drive out the remaining inhabitants and take full possession of the “Promised Land”. He then leads them to renew their covenant with the Lord. Judges is the story of Israel’s repeated breaking of their covenant, falling under the rule of other nations, then crying out to God for help. God responds by raising up “judges” to fight for them and save them. Judges are both military leaders and legal authorities. There are 12 tribes of Isreal - we will also read about 12 judges.
Typically when we talk about, Gentiles being “grafted” in to the family of God, we focus on Israel’s rebellion as the door for us. Because of Israel’s rebellion we are given an opportunity to receive Jesus and follow God, literally with the purpose of making Israel jealous (Romans 11:11). We typically think of our invitation to join the family of God being triggered by the cross, but truly God NEVER turned away believing outsiders (Gentiles).
Check it out: ”The descendants of Moses’ father-in-law, the Kenite, went up from the City of Palms with the people of Judah to live among the inhabitants of the Desert of Judah in the Negev near Arad.“ Judges 1:16 NIV
Moses “father-in-law” was NOT Jewish. Why does God make a point of including Moses relatives in the story of who and how they settled the “Promised Land”. Gentiles who truly believed, WERE allowed to settle there. God has never turned away the true believer. In fact Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba (the wife of the Hittite) were all Gentile women; yet we find them listed in the genealogy of David / Jesus in Matthew 1.
Consider the words of Isaiah, “Let no foreigner who is bound to the Lord say, “The Lord will surely exclude me from his people. …”Isaiah 56:3
Salvation, being part of the “family of God”, was never an exclusive club. It’s simply a club with requirements for entry, like any other. Humble yourself, believe, receive, and repent.
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
Love you all! Dig in!
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