Good Morning “Followers of The True Champ”. Today we are in 2 Chronicles 32.
Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, set his eye on conquering Jerusalem. He sent servants to Jerusalem to mock their military, their king (Hezekiah), and their God.
The first 19 verses read like the lengthy build up to a “Title Card, Main Event” boxing match. No doubt the odds appeared to be Sennacherib’s favor… at least from where he sat. “No one else had anything for me. None of their gods could protect them… you think yours can.” The Las Vegas bet takers would have been going nuts over this one.
Like many title cards, the fight is over before it ever started. God doesn’t even need to put hands on. Nor does He send a Legion (approx 5000 angels). No, He sends 1… The Angel of The Lord (2 Kings 19:35), likely a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus. “And the Lord sent an angel, who annihilated all the fighting men and the commanders and officers in the camp of the Assyrian king.” 2 Chronicles 32:21
From 2 Kings 19:35 we also know there were 185,000 hardened warriors put to death, seemingly silently. The the others woke to find them all dead. The angel moved through the camp silently “annihilating” without a word. He never broke a sweat!
When Jesus was arrested in Matthew 26 He told Peter He could call down 12 legions of angels if He chose… imagine that firepower. Imagine God HIMSELF unleashing His POWER and wrath. That time is coming… Just imagine… I don’t think we can, at least not accurately.
Why would any person follow anyone but The One True God? The victory is already won! Jesus has no formidable opponents. Time to go all in with The Lord of Lords, King of Kings!
Love you all! Dig in!
Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, set his eye on conquering Jerusalem. He sent servants to Jerusalem to mock their military, their king (Hezekiah), and their God.
The first 19 verses read like the lengthy build up to a “Title Card, Main Event” boxing match. No doubt the odds appeared to be Sennacherib’s favor… at least from where he sat. “No one else had anything for me. None of their gods could protect them… you think yours can.” The Las Vegas bet takers would have been going nuts over this one.
Like many title cards, the fight is over before it ever started. God doesn’t even need to put hands on. Nor does He send a Legion (approx 5000 angels). No, He sends 1… The Angel of The Lord (2 Kings 19:35), likely a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus. “And the Lord sent an angel, who annihilated all the fighting men and the commanders and officers in the camp of the Assyrian king.” 2 Chronicles 32:21
From 2 Kings 19:35 we also know there were 185,000 hardened warriors put to death, seemingly silently. The the others woke to find them all dead. The angel moved through the camp silently “annihilating” without a word. He never broke a sweat!
When Jesus was arrested in Matthew 26 He told Peter He could call down 12 legions of angels if He chose… imagine that firepower. Imagine God HIMSELF unleashing His POWER and wrath. That time is coming… Just imagine… I don’t think we can, at least not accurately.
Why would any person follow anyone but The One True God? The victory is already won! Jesus has no formidable opponents. Time to go all in with The Lord of Lords, King of Kings!
Love you all! Dig in!
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