Office 970-454-3411

2 Chronicles 6

Good Morning “Reminded of Gods  Justice and Mercy.”  Today we are in 2 Chronicles 6.

This chapter contains Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem. He prayed that God’s blessings would fall on Israel so long as they were faithful to the Lord. He also prayed for future mercy in the event that his people fell into sin.

Moreover his prayer makes obvious Gods acceptance of peoples from other nations who turned to Him.  Yet another reminder that God never turned or turns away the repentant - even prior to Jesus days on Earth.  Check Verses 32-33.  

Solomon was a great leader.  Leaders of countries would do well to recognize their nations dependence on The Lord.  Great leaders acknowledge they’ll need God’s forgiveness for inevitable mistakes.

These truths are applicable for these days as well.  Kind of causes us to consider who we place in leadership doesn’t it?  

No doubt, our nation would be better off if people were regularly reminded of their dependence on God.

No doubt we are better off,
personally, to keep our dependence on God at the forefront of our thinking.  

Love you all!  Dig in!