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1 Chronicles 26

Good Morning “Blue Print Readers.”  Today we are in 1 Chronicles 26.  

Can you read blueprints?  It’s a question I get asked sometimes as a builder.  My answer typically is something like, “Yes, pretty much anyone can with just a little vocabulary and symbol lesson.”  Once you understand a few terms, then it’s just applying what you already know to what you’re looking at, and BAMM - you get it!  

Same thing here.  

Never forget the Bible is one story.  It is the story of God’s Glory writ large through the redemption of sinful man purchased by God’s Son on the cross.

With that in mind understand that as we’ve read the last few chapters, God was giving us yet another parallel - a “blue print”.

In chapter 22 - David is preparing to build the Temple.  You may recall, he and God are talking about two different things. David’s thinking of a building, God is speaking not just of a building but The Temple of The Living God - The Church.  Jesus and His kingdom will reign forever.  

As we continue:
David was not the one to build the Temple but he could make preparations for the one to come… Solomon building the physical temple (structure) and Israel, preparing the way, being reminded of proper worship of God - Jesus to come.  Who are you building in to?  God has a special plan for us each.  You may be hard at it yourself, but are you helping to prepare the next generation for what He has for them?

In 23 and following David gathers the Levites and reminds them of their duties and even assigns the order by Gods will - determined by casting lots.  Furthermore in the assigning of roles He is reinforcing Gods design for worship.  25 takes us to Gods design for Worship ministry accomplished through music.  It MUST include Gods Word!  They were to Prophecy while they play music - bring forth or sing praises to God using The Word of God!  As we offer praise, is it Biblically based?  Do we worship correctly, The God of The Bible, or do we praise some made up version of who we imagine Him to be… which is really no God at all? Words matter.  Do the Words that come from our mouth echo Scripture?

Today we’re in 26, The GateKeepers.  The GateKeeper lets the sheep in, keeps the wolves out.  They must be diligent, and vigilant - always on alert.  Grounded in The Word of God that they might recognize the difference.  They were able to protect from enemies (the ultimate enemy of our souls) both from within and outside the congregation.  Foreign and domestic.  Could you be a gate keeper?  Can you tell the difference?

The common thread is the essential requirement in each case to be grounded in The Word.  No what sounds good, feels good, fits in our box or lives with our categories… but Truth!  

Love you all!  Dig in!