Office 970-454-3411

1 Chronicles 24

Good Morning “Receivers of Unfair Treatment.”  Today we are in 1 Chronicles 24.  

David continues to divide the decedents of Aaron, the Levites, into their prospective roles and order them for their duties.  How does he do it… casting lots.  What on Earth does it mean to cast lots?  Think of it like drawing straws, rolling dice or flipping a coin.  

That’s how David ordered them?  Well, kind of… it involved a lot more than just luck, God was involved - at least when it was done in accordance with His will.  

Casting lots is mentioned 70 times in the  Old Testament and another 70 in the new.  The High Priest would carry colored stones specifically for this purpose called
the Urim and Thummim.  God allowed the Israelites to cast lots in order to determine His will for a given situation (Joshua 18:6-10), usually for dividing land, or here, in deciding order for worship duties. (1 Chronicles 24:5,31).

God made His will known by determining the outcome of the cast stones (Proverbs 16:33).  Imagine you were a Levite… your role and future determined in this manner.  It’s easy to wonder… why me, why was I picked last?  What about all my experience… I’m more qualified than them!  I have seniority.  This isn’t fair at all!  How can that be?  Isn’t God a fair God?  

Is He?  

After reading about all of those Biblical hero’s listed in the “Hall of Faith” Hebrews 11:1-35a…

I challenge you to keep reading from 35b-40.  Then re-ask the question.  Is God fair?

God is NOT fair, as we understand “fairness”.  He is JUST. Fairness assumes everyone gets the same thing.  Justice demands that God (in His infinite wisdom) always chooses rightly and knows how to dispense His blessing of grace through hardship as well as abundance.  We’ve talked a lot lately about the INCREDIBLE blessing that comes in the struggle.  Believers who understand and acknowledge that, have truly found peace, which passes understanding!  (Philippians 4:7)

Love you all!  Dig in!