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1 Corinthians 21

Good Morning “Observers of Irrelevance.”  Today we are in 1 Chronicles 21.

As we’ve worked through the Old Testament, we’ve learned numbers mean nothing to God - at least as it relates to winning battles.  As God has given victory after victory to Israel, David included, He’s shown that circumstances matter not.  They’re irrelevant. He’s won battles with acts of nature, confusion and other miracles.  The size of the army has never been an issue.

In this chapter, Satan rises up to cause David to take a census of his fighting men.  Satan was the tempter but what was the mechanism?  Fear?  Doubt?  Pride?  Lack of faith ultimately for sure.  David calls for a census and it enrages God.  Even Joab realizes this is NOT honoring to God.

How often has He proven Himself faithful to us… and how often does our faith waver?  Our bleak circumstances are no more challenging to Him than David’s small army was.  

In the end, when harshly corrected by The Lord - King David snaps back into Shepard David and falls on his face pleading for mercy for his people.  

Oh that we might camp on the power and faithfulness of God in the past, therein remaining faithful - instead of temping Him to remind us of His power.  

Love you all!  Dig in!