Good Morning “Limitless Faith.” Today we are in 2 Kings 4.
Today’s passage is a retelling of just some of the miracles that God performed through Elisha. Can God feed multitudes from little or nothing - Absolutely! Can He raise the dead - of course. How about providing for the needs of widows and children - “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27
None of these miracles were remotely challenging for God. For today’s purposes I’d like to concentrate on the Widows Oil - the first miracle we come to today. I love this account of Gods power in her life for a couple reasons…
1. The woman had a choice to make. Would she shrug off Elisha’s request to go gather jars, reasoning there is no possible way, or would she in faith step out? Man how often do we get stuck right here? We believe God is speaking or moving, but cannot with our logic see any possible way so we freeze. If we can’t see a way through it with our limited understanding we don’t step out. Consequently we miss out.
2. God is glorified when we, in faith, participate. Notice the degree of Gods blessing was only limited by the number of jars she collected. If she had collected more, we assume from the text the oil would have kept flowing. “When all the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.” But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing.” 2 Kings 4:6 NIV
Be careful. This and accounts such as this, are often twisted and manipulated within “Prosperity Gospel”, “Name it and Claim it” circles. I am not in any way suggesting an “If you believe, you will receive”, theology. What I am suggesting is this; when God initiates the action, when He speaks, calls, or leads… the degree that we put our faith into action directly affects the level of blessing we receive.
Have faith! Big FAITH! Love you all! Dig in!
Today’s passage is a retelling of just some of the miracles that God performed through Elisha. Can God feed multitudes from little or nothing - Absolutely! Can He raise the dead - of course. How about providing for the needs of widows and children - “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27
None of these miracles were remotely challenging for God. For today’s purposes I’d like to concentrate on the Widows Oil - the first miracle we come to today. I love this account of Gods power in her life for a couple reasons…
1. The woman had a choice to make. Would she shrug off Elisha’s request to go gather jars, reasoning there is no possible way, or would she in faith step out? Man how often do we get stuck right here? We believe God is speaking or moving, but cannot with our logic see any possible way so we freeze. If we can’t see a way through it with our limited understanding we don’t step out. Consequently we miss out.
2. God is glorified when we, in faith, participate. Notice the degree of Gods blessing was only limited by the number of jars she collected. If she had collected more, we assume from the text the oil would have kept flowing. “When all the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.” But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing.” 2 Kings 4:6 NIV
Be careful. This and accounts such as this, are often twisted and manipulated within “Prosperity Gospel”, “Name it and Claim it” circles. I am not in any way suggesting an “If you believe, you will receive”, theology. What I am suggesting is this; when God initiates the action, when He speaks, calls, or leads… the degree that we put our faith into action directly affects the level of blessing we receive.
Have faith! Big FAITH! Love you all! Dig in!
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