Good Morning “Those Who Choose His Way.” Today we are in 1 Kings 4.
Choices we all have, and we get to make them - no doubt, Consequences we all get, and we don’t get to determine them - for sure.
Remember David’s last words to Solomon back in chapter 2? Obey God and His commands, walk in His ways so that all you will do will prosper. Thats a quick summary of 1 Kings 2:2-3. We didn’t have to read much further for us see the fulfillment of that. Within the vast description of just a part of Solomon’s blessing we find this statement:
“During Solomon’s lifetime Judah and Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, lived in safety, everyone under their own vine and under their own fig tree.” 1 Kings 4:25 NIV
Israel and Judah experienced 40 years of peace and prosperity under Solomon. Quite a change for them. When a nations leader serves The Lord the nation too reaps the blessing… when a nations leader doesn’t, well… the opposite is also true - judgment. All of the sudden religion in politics does make sense doesn’t it? Who we choose to follow matters.
What are the values you look for in a good leader? Are they Biblical? Or are they of the flesh? According to Google, Americans want leaders who are trustworthy. It’s interesting that it seems we also believe “Trustworthiness” is possible apart from a relationship with Christ. Truly apart from Jesus and His Holy Spirit in us, “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick;…” Jeremiah 17:9 Generally speaking that passage rings pretty true to how we feel about politicians doesn’t it? Deceitful.
Where our leaders stand with Jesus matters!
Love you all! Dig in!
Choices we all have, and we get to make them - no doubt, Consequences we all get, and we don’t get to determine them - for sure.
Remember David’s last words to Solomon back in chapter 2? Obey God and His commands, walk in His ways so that all you will do will prosper. Thats a quick summary of 1 Kings 2:2-3. We didn’t have to read much further for us see the fulfillment of that. Within the vast description of just a part of Solomon’s blessing we find this statement:
“During Solomon’s lifetime Judah and Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, lived in safety, everyone under their own vine and under their own fig tree.” 1 Kings 4:25 NIV
Israel and Judah experienced 40 years of peace and prosperity under Solomon. Quite a change for them. When a nations leader serves The Lord the nation too reaps the blessing… when a nations leader doesn’t, well… the opposite is also true - judgment. All of the sudden religion in politics does make sense doesn’t it? Who we choose to follow matters.
What are the values you look for in a good leader? Are they Biblical? Or are they of the flesh? According to Google, Americans want leaders who are trustworthy. It’s interesting that it seems we also believe “Trustworthiness” is possible apart from a relationship with Christ. Truly apart from Jesus and His Holy Spirit in us, “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick;…” Jeremiah 17:9 Generally speaking that passage rings pretty true to how we feel about politicians doesn’t it? Deceitful.
Where our leaders stand with Jesus matters!
Love you all! Dig in!
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