Good Morning “Accepters of ONLY The One True Gospel.”
“Then Bildad the Shuhite replied:”
Job 18:1 NIV
Bildad’s name means “son of contention,” and that is exactly what he is. Bildad is the most aggressive in his accusations against Job. What he contends goes much deeper than Jobs sin.
As we’ve talked before, Jobs friends have a twisted “Prosperity Gospel” type of belief system. In short they believe that if you are going through trial it must be because of your sin. If you are living “rightly” then you will be blessed during your time on earth. Not so far off of the beliefs of many today. Unfortunately that belief system discounts the testimony of Scripture, specifically books like Job and Ecclesiastes.
Each of Jobs friends hold to similar beliefs but approach Job differently. Eliphaz is more spiritual and mystic; Zophar claims Job’s problem is his lack of wisdom or judgment. Bildad’s approach is humanistic, with his action-oriented “save yourself” speeches. When you put their arguments together, Job’s friends distort God’s Word to send a clear message: “You can be your own Judge, define your own truth, and save yourself.”
Interestingly enough these are the ministries reserved for the Father, Holy Spirit and The Son. Jobs friends believe they are clinging to Truth, but in reality are clinging only to a distorted form of “godliness” while actually denying The Truth (John 14:6), and His POWER.
It’s a preview of what Paul says we will experience, and frankly are experiencing in these end times. As Paul warns Timothy of the decent of man that is coming, and is now here, in 2 Tim 3:1-4 he finishes with this “having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” 2 Timothy 3:5 NIV
Have nothing to do with such people. Why? Because through their beliefs they are literally counseling people away from The True Gospel of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and arguing “you can do it on your own.” Such a system serves in every way to elevate man and decrease God. Its root goes clear back to Genesis - “…you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:5 NIV
Let’s remember who was the instigator of the fall, and of Jobs testing. The evil one is not creative… he simply repeats the same strategy over and over. He’s always prowling, always seeking who he may devour… the question is, who will he pick off next? Not you! You’re alert to his schemes! (1 Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:10-17)
Love you all! Dig in!
“Then Bildad the Shuhite replied:”
Job 18:1 NIV
Bildad’s name means “son of contention,” and that is exactly what he is. Bildad is the most aggressive in his accusations against Job. What he contends goes much deeper than Jobs sin.
As we’ve talked before, Jobs friends have a twisted “Prosperity Gospel” type of belief system. In short they believe that if you are going through trial it must be because of your sin. If you are living “rightly” then you will be blessed during your time on earth. Not so far off of the beliefs of many today. Unfortunately that belief system discounts the testimony of Scripture, specifically books like Job and Ecclesiastes.
Each of Jobs friends hold to similar beliefs but approach Job differently. Eliphaz is more spiritual and mystic; Zophar claims Job’s problem is his lack of wisdom or judgment. Bildad’s approach is humanistic, with his action-oriented “save yourself” speeches. When you put their arguments together, Job’s friends distort God’s Word to send a clear message: “You can be your own Judge, define your own truth, and save yourself.”
Interestingly enough these are the ministries reserved for the Father, Holy Spirit and The Son. Jobs friends believe they are clinging to Truth, but in reality are clinging only to a distorted form of “godliness” while actually denying The Truth (John 14:6), and His POWER.
It’s a preview of what Paul says we will experience, and frankly are experiencing in these end times. As Paul warns Timothy of the decent of man that is coming, and is now here, in 2 Tim 3:1-4 he finishes with this “having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” 2 Timothy 3:5 NIV
Have nothing to do with such people. Why? Because through their beliefs they are literally counseling people away from The True Gospel of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and arguing “you can do it on your own.” Such a system serves in every way to elevate man and decrease God. Its root goes clear back to Genesis - “…you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:5 NIV
Let’s remember who was the instigator of the fall, and of Jobs testing. The evil one is not creative… he simply repeats the same strategy over and over. He’s always prowling, always seeking who he may devour… the question is, who will he pick off next? Not you! You’re alert to his schemes! (1 Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:10-17)
Love you all! Dig in!
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