Good Morning “Song Singers”. Today we are in Psalm 40.
David rejoices that God lifted Him out of the pit and put a new song in his heart! You know when you get a song in your head and you can’t get it out? You find yourself humming the course or singing a part throughout the day? That’s the picture I get of David here.
When Jesus went to The Cross for you and I He was lifting us up out of the pit! Because of sin, we are by default condemned. It’s the just consequence for sin (Romans 6:23). Sin demands death! Jesus took the punishment that was ours to pay and satisfied it in full (Colossians 2:13-14). We must humbly acknowledge and accept His payment, repent and turn to Him, or… we remain in the fast lane headed to the fiery pit (Acts 3:19).
We did nothing to earn His forgiveness - it’s only by His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). Man if that doesn’t put a new song in your heart that you can’t and don’t want to get out of your head… I don’t know what will.
We must keep the Truth of The Gospel at the forefront of our thinking, continuously, like a song in our head - lest we lose humility. It’s all Jesus! David knew that. Verses 6-8 are yet another prophetic reference to Jesus.
Sacrifices didn’t do it! The Law is insufficient to save! Only Jesus, The One written about in “The Scroll” was sufficient (Hebrews 10:1-18). See if you can find Psalm 40:6-8 within that Hebrews passage… it’s in there! Forget the blood of bulls and goats… receive the blood of Jesus. In return what does He ask? Only all of our heart, as a “living sacrifice”. It’s a reasonable expectation (Roman’s 12:1).
“Living Sacrifice He said, is what He asks of us, but it's hard to choose that life, and give Him all my trust.
Lord, draw me close to you, help me not to stray away, hold me tight and fix my gaze, for it's in you that I shall stay…
and no longer will I worry for the steps I do not know, for the Father stretched his hand to me, and I know he’ll lead me home…”
What song are you singing?
Love you all! Dig in!
David rejoices that God lifted Him out of the pit and put a new song in his heart! You know when you get a song in your head and you can’t get it out? You find yourself humming the course or singing a part throughout the day? That’s the picture I get of David here.
When Jesus went to The Cross for you and I He was lifting us up out of the pit! Because of sin, we are by default condemned. It’s the just consequence for sin (Romans 6:23). Sin demands death! Jesus took the punishment that was ours to pay and satisfied it in full (Colossians 2:13-14). We must humbly acknowledge and accept His payment, repent and turn to Him, or… we remain in the fast lane headed to the fiery pit (Acts 3:19).
We did nothing to earn His forgiveness - it’s only by His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). Man if that doesn’t put a new song in your heart that you can’t and don’t want to get out of your head… I don’t know what will.
We must keep the Truth of The Gospel at the forefront of our thinking, continuously, like a song in our head - lest we lose humility. It’s all Jesus! David knew that. Verses 6-8 are yet another prophetic reference to Jesus.
Sacrifices didn’t do it! The Law is insufficient to save! Only Jesus, The One written about in “The Scroll” was sufficient (Hebrews 10:1-18). See if you can find Psalm 40:6-8 within that Hebrews passage… it’s in there! Forget the blood of bulls and goats… receive the blood of Jesus. In return what does He ask? Only all of our heart, as a “living sacrifice”. It’s a reasonable expectation (Roman’s 12:1).
“Living Sacrifice He said, is what He asks of us, but it's hard to choose that life, and give Him all my trust.
Lord, draw me close to you, help me not to stray away, hold me tight and fix my gaze, for it's in you that I shall stay…
and no longer will I worry for the steps I do not know, for the Father stretched his hand to me, and I know he’ll lead me home…”
What song are you singing?
Love you all! Dig in!
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