Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Not Puffed Up”.  This morning take a look at Romans 15.

As we grow and mature in Jesus it’s easy to get puffed up.  Satan rolls in with pride and it sinks in.  May we never forget that it’s all Him.  He grows us up, He works in us.  He even places the desire in our hearts.  There is nothing we have received that was not given to us.  All that, to say we’re all broken, and in need of Mercy and Grace.  

“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself…”. Romans‬ ‭15‬:‭1‬-‭3‬

Paul had an incredible heart for lost, and an incredible heart for those who were believing but struggling.  Is that our heart?  Ultimately it’s the heart of Jesus.  

Dig in!  There’s more here!  Pray for the heart of Jesus.