Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “You Who Are Standing In Silent Awe and Reverence.”  You’ll soon see what I mean.  Today we are in Revelation 8.

To this point we’ve read about Jesus opening 6 of the 7 Seals of the Scroll and the events / judgments that each triggered.  But what happened to the 7th?  

Here we go!  As if the events that we see early in the Tribulation were not deadly enough - it’s about to get real and all in Heaven know it.  

“When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.” Revelation‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬ ‭

Many speculate regarding the silence.  My opinion… I believe all in Heaven will be in reverence and awe - anticipating the judgement God is about to bring upon the earth.  The 7th seal contains within it 7 Trumpet Judgments.  Within the 7th Trumpet Judgement we’ll soon see 7 Bowl Judgements.  Ultimately they all nest within each other.  Not necessarily 3 sets of 7 but more like 3 waves of one 7.  

A couple notes as you read:
- These judgments appear literal.  Fire is indeed fire, blood is indeed blood etc.  We’ve seen similar lesser literal judgments against Gods people back in Exodus.  So… we assume these to be literal as well.
-  1/3 means a 1/3 of a particular land, sea, and water area.  Over the course of the judgments of Tribulation, the Lord narrows the world’s focus down to the region of the Middle East.  The events of Tribulation will culminate in a battle that takes place in the territory between Jerusalem and Babylon It will be a battle between west vs. east, good vs. evil, Jesus against Satan.

In the end… we know who wins!!!  There will be a literal war… but no real battle / competition. All the armies in the world pose no real threat to our God who created it all!  

Love you all.  Dig in.  Read and study for yourself.  Be blessed.