Good Morning “Conquerers”. Today we are in Chapter 20.
In 19 we saw the final stage of Armageddon. In summary - The AntiChrist gathers the Armies of the World, and attempts to destroy Jerusalem, which at the time will contain believing Gentiles as well as Jews and unbelieving Jews, Petra where God was protecting the believing Jews, and Jesus Himself. The unbelieving Jews, fearful of the attack fall on their faces in prayer. “All of Israel will be saved.” There will be no more remaining unbelieving Jews at this point. That’s all Jesus was waiting for. He RESPONDS and He and the armies of the Lord (Raptured Saints, and Angels), conquer them all. If you know Jesus you’re a part of this.
After reading through chapter 20, you might be left with some questions. Let me highlight a couple passages and then offer some explanation.
Satan is bound and tossed in the Abyss for 1000 years.
“I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”
Revelation 20:4 NIV
Ok let’s break this down:
“Souls of those beheaded…” These are Tribulation Saints still without glorified bodies - they receive glorified bodies here… “They came to life”. Old Testament Saints also are raised and receive glorified bodies. Daniel 12, Isaiah 26. Those who died with the Holy Spirit and those who were raptured with the Holy Spirit, received glorified bodies at the time we were caught up with Jesus in the air - the Rapture.
Unbelievers will not be resurrected to judgment until the end of the thousand years.
Scripture then tells us we will rule with Him for a thousand years, then Satan is released go out and deceive the nations and rally them for battle once again in effort to conquer Jesus and Gods people.
Question… If we have glorified Holy bodies that are no longer sinful flesh, and all those that died believers received their glorified bodies and can no longer sin… and unbelievers are not resurrected until after the 1000 years, who are we ruling with Christ over? Without sin, there is no need - everyone does what is right. Furthermore who does Satan deceive to go up against Gods people? Not us - we’re sinless at this point.
The answer is the same… those who are still in physical bodies. The flesh is sinful and still is at this point. All those rescued from Petra and Jerusalem after Armageddon still have sinful bodies. They will enter the Millennial Kingdom… walking right in in sense. They will continue marrying, having children etc for 1000 years. Their children will have bodies of flesh as well and as such are sinful by nature - capable of being deceived.
Mind blown yet? Love you all! Dig in!
In 19 we saw the final stage of Armageddon. In summary - The AntiChrist gathers the Armies of the World, and attempts to destroy Jerusalem, which at the time will contain believing Gentiles as well as Jews and unbelieving Jews, Petra where God was protecting the believing Jews, and Jesus Himself. The unbelieving Jews, fearful of the attack fall on their faces in prayer. “All of Israel will be saved.” There will be no more remaining unbelieving Jews at this point. That’s all Jesus was waiting for. He RESPONDS and He and the armies of the Lord (Raptured Saints, and Angels), conquer them all. If you know Jesus you’re a part of this.
After reading through chapter 20, you might be left with some questions. Let me highlight a couple passages and then offer some explanation.
Satan is bound and tossed in the Abyss for 1000 years.
“I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”
Revelation 20:4 NIV
Ok let’s break this down:
“Souls of those beheaded…” These are Tribulation Saints still without glorified bodies - they receive glorified bodies here… “They came to life”. Old Testament Saints also are raised and receive glorified bodies. Daniel 12, Isaiah 26. Those who died with the Holy Spirit and those who were raptured with the Holy Spirit, received glorified bodies at the time we were caught up with Jesus in the air - the Rapture.
Unbelievers will not be resurrected to judgment until the end of the thousand years.
Scripture then tells us we will rule with Him for a thousand years, then Satan is released go out and deceive the nations and rally them for battle once again in effort to conquer Jesus and Gods people.
Question… If we have glorified Holy bodies that are no longer sinful flesh, and all those that died believers received their glorified bodies and can no longer sin… and unbelievers are not resurrected until after the 1000 years, who are we ruling with Christ over? Without sin, there is no need - everyone does what is right. Furthermore who does Satan deceive to go up against Gods people? Not us - we’re sinless at this point.
The answer is the same… those who are still in physical bodies. The flesh is sinful and still is at this point. All those rescued from Petra and Jerusalem after Armageddon still have sinful bodies. They will enter the Millennial Kingdom… walking right in in sense. They will continue marrying, having children etc for 1000 years. Their children will have bodies of flesh as well and as such are sinful by nature - capable of being deceived.
Mind blown yet? Love you all! Dig in!