Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Benefactors of Jesus Payment.”  Today we are in Chapter 17.

Yesterday we saw - The final bowl judgment will be poured out into the air.  The wrath of God will cover the entire planet like a blanket.

A voice from Heaven cries out “It is done.”  Meaning it is complete, finished, accomplished - then the earth experiences destruction like never before.  Gods wrath required because of sin has now been satisfied on Earth.  Sin has a price.  Jesus paid the price - if we will only accept that payment.  Remember what He cried out as He gave up His Spirit?  “It is finished.”

In Chapter 17 we get another puzzle.  More explanation about events that have occurred to this point.  With the woman described we get a picture of Babylon in a Spiritual sense.  Babylon the great evil city is both a literal city and a symbol of the source of all spiritual rebellion.  Babylon is the source of all counterfeits, idol worship, apostasy.  She’s adorned with jewels - rich because all worship is focused on the Beast / Antichrist  - evil.  The woman Babylon could not harm the Saints spiritually so she martyred them - “Drunk on their blood.”

The seven heads are those kings who lead Satan’s kingdom, Spiritual Babylon, serving God’s purpose of Gentile domination over Israel.

The ten horns, the ten kings who lead the world at the start of Tribulation, exist only for that purpose and they give their authority to the beast.

While Gentile world powers are in control, God put Satan’s counterfeit religious system to work for God’s own purposes in discipling Israel.   The 7th bowl judgment ends all that.

In v.16-17 we’re told that the Antichrist and the world rulers under him come to hate the harlot - the source of all false religions.

At mid-Tribulation when Satan indwells the Antichrist, he forces all to worship him… or die.

He puts an end to any form of worship and religious practice.  As the 7th bowl is poured out all religious institutions are destroyed - she is left naked.  All false religions are consumed.

The only false worship left will be directed toward Satan himself.

Hope that kinda helps.  Love you all!  Dig in!