Office 970-454-3411
February 9th, 2025

Good Morning “Those Who Pay Attention to Prophecy.”  Today we are in Psalm 22.

It’s been said that the probability of anyone fulfilling just one prophecy by chance is 1 in 10 to the 15th power.  The chance of any one person fulfilling 8 predictions or prophecy’s is 1 in
100,000,000,000,000,000.  Cover the state of Texas with silver dollars 2 feet deep.  Mark one of them, mix them all up, then… blind folded pick the one you marked on the first try.  That gets you close to the odds.  Mathematically impossible.  

Cool right… except that doesn’t even get you close to the absolute impossibility of Christs prophetic fulfillment.  Why?  He fulfilled more than 300!  Wrap your mind around that.  

Psalm 22 was written about 1000 years before Christ.  Here David laments in what at first seems like His own circumstances.  Except, David never died like this.  He did not endure this.  It’s a prophecy about Jesus.  Jesus later quotes Psalm 22:1 from The Cross (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34).  John tells us in John 19:23 that the soldiers who crucified Jesus divided His clothes.  There’s even more fulfilled prophesy in this Psalm.  

How did David possibly know this stuff 1000 years before it happened?  He didn’t!  He was only able to write it through the inspiration of The Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20-21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17).  

We can ABSOLUTELY TRUST The Word of God!  Prophecy proves it came from God!  Guess what… there are a lot of prophecies left yet to fulfill - even concerning end times.  They absolutely will come to pass!  We’ve seen the proof!  

Pay attention!  Heed The Word!  It’s not crazy to believe it… it’s crazy not to!  Love you all!  Dig in!